I believe these women would have been referred to as Aunt Tomi’s in another time.
I believe these women would have been referred to as Aunt Tomi’s in another time.
the cost of electoral ignorance
Judge Hanser? Merris Badcock? This is the worst Dickens novel ever.
I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.
I’m an Eagles fan. I just realized- WE get to face Daniel Jones twice a year!
*does happy dance*
“Whether you like it or not, [Lee] was one of the great generals”
You guys seriously need to diversify the content on this site. It can’t be ALL non-stop, anti Biden stories. I used to enjoy reading this site. But now? Not really. That and since I’ve been for whatever reason made permanently grey means I have little reason to participate.
Yep, people on here need to get on board. Biden is likely going to be the nominee. Continually running hit pieces against him is not going to help Bernie, and will give us another 4 years of Trump.
Stupid, yeah, but also standard operating procedure. How many years of no raises to the minimum wage has the 1% wrung out of the catchphrase that burger workers getting $12/hr is an insult to other working people? Their entire MO is to get working stiffs riled up at other working stiffs for getting a slightly-larger…
When damn near ever black woman of voting age voted for Hillary our vote went to her over 90+% and with voting black men going at 80+% it’s our fault that Trump is in the White House? White people need to have a long difficult conversation with themselves because this one is ALL them.
That is a rode hard and put away wet 18. Otherwise known as Florida 18.
Do people complain about EVERYTHING? This was no scam. Perhaps it was presumptuous, but why ddoes EVERYTHING HAVE to be a thing. Guy was trying to help. Jesus Christ, people are turning their “wokeness” into just being shitty.
While we’re at it, let’s also stop electing reality TV hosts, comedians, and Hollywood actors to public office
Kevin, you are a loser, you momma and daddy were losers. Your whole damn Master Race® white-trash family are losers, and losers you shall remain. Your Fearless Leader lost to a woman by 3 million votes. Deal with it, and quit bothering us with the results of your brain-damaged delusion, sweetie.
Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.
Never underestimate the power of being A Good One™.
Obama did a lot of good; much of it unsung and done without fanfare. I am quite proud of his presidency though he made some mistakes and the greatest was thinking the Republicans would EVER reach across the aisle. He believed they believed in the good of the American people and THEY DO NOT. Their craven thirst for…
Bet you anything the real reason he got tired of Japan is cause he couldn’t find a “perfect” and “subservient” Japanese girlfriend.
If you ever need proof of who is truly pulling the strings of the GOP, look no further than healthcare.