
This is just a toy. Nearly nobody has 3D TV so you can just take fun picture, show them on your camera and you keep them there :/

She just have receptions issu with her iphone 4 i suppose

for half the price 150€ you can get diner + show at the Moulin Rouge! I've not been but i checked the card.

@wagnerrp: wow nice one! I can't believe the animal is still fighting to leave while he is in his throught!

@phunnyballs: that's what you say to the little Billy! We will bring them to pigeon's heaven outside the city! you don't want to know the truth!

Why the hell did the son had to come use the paper towel dispenser while they were filming a commercial for the paper towel dispenser!

@Nedry: If you are happy at your level, stay there and keep your resume Nerdy Nerdy

What a wast of working time. Their manager must be extreemly relax / they r going bankrupt / they have too much money ? choose the right anszer

I'm always amazed when I hear about self taught persons. Pretty amazing guy i'd say! What the hell am I doing studying finance ?! I should actually go take rents and put all that money in the stock market yuuuhuuu!!

When I first bought my macbook pro I have to say I had no idea what the little "clip" was for! I found out like one month later

@ckcallen: I mean yeah its pretty amazing but don't you feel stupid talking to your phone in public places ?

What the hell is wrong in this guys' mind ? does he want to die!

They must be wrong. All the cheap multimedia player do 1080p videos, am sure they'll be able to do it.

Question guys:

not bad but the zooming was so ugly.

On the other hand in France we write it the other way: today is the 09/08/10 ! so it's next month for us!

I am amazed of the noise the lil metal make at the end with all the bounce!

each time i see will ferrell am thinking of Land of the lost. God I love this movie!