
awesome picture, loving it!

Honestly at first I though: shit Lucas Arts will bring all their lawyer to attack a little company building something that" look like" a LightSaber.

Lightsaber i love you forever!

THIS is the fashion! Don't bring this ersatz please!

Now the debate should be: Did apple "randomly" made those bumpers or they are here BECAUSE of this antenna troubleshooting ?

Dear Russia

So bad, i just checked Redmond Pie's website and here that's all i found:

@Tills13: try to synchronize your iCal with GCal and then add an event with your iphone (90% of the events i creat). The result for me is a total mess, which send me 2 emails and ring three times, never in the right time and a pain to erase...

@blablablafcku: I learnt it many years ago, i can't remember. I only know one cool thing about lightning: the time difference between the time you see the lightning and you hear the noise is equal to the actual distance of the lightning!

Honestly I loved using Chrome for the last 5 month but now i jumped back to Safari with the new update that came. I enjoy extension and am sure it'll rock this summer with the "official" extension website.

duhhhh! first thing i though of^^

i still can believe it comes from the floor and not from the sky!!!

@Thalantas: oups, can't edit. I wanted to say: anyway Apple's marketing worked, even if the iPhone 4 can't call i'd find the right reason to buy it!

I've heard on a french website of a 1ยข solution: put a very small piece of scotch on the lil line separation at the bottom of the iphone.

final frame:

@schubs: do you permanently look in the sky to see if a home made camera isn't falling ?!!

This is awesome but by doing it you have to think about the percent of chance having it falling in the middle of the sea / on someone's car / on someone's face!

It's coming out the 1st of July! am so going to buy one, plus at $44 i don't think i'll take a big risk!