bertrand hustle

i don’t know enough about development cycles to contribute to this conversation but now i REALLY want to know more about that psx golf game

do they really have a child playing for them

the fact that they missed the opportunity to call it Dragon Brawl Z just shows why nerds will remain forever beholden to cool jocks with vision (like me)

pfffft right??? i cant even amble thru a grove without being bothered by unicorns

the English have succeeded in representing themselves in the media as posh aristocrats but they’re really just the crass & lack-jawed denizens of a pathetic, hemorrhaging ruin of an empire whose literal shit congeals into 20-ton lipid masses beneath their streets. it’s pretty cool to see your heroes humanized like

sucks that the baby inherited dad’s hair

but doesn’t her claim (and subsequent self-promotion) of being the only female stunt driver in furious 7 do a disservice to all the other women who risk their lives so that we can watch people do dangerous stuff on film? that said, i don’t disagree with your comment.

Are you kidding me? This woman is an irl Sweet Dee Reynolds. The sheer amount of lies she tells in the name of crass self-promotion is, frankly, inspiring.

you assign validity to her opinions based on whether or not she calls her works science fiction?


“the recommendation should be directed only toward the most hardcore gamers?” lmao dude get over yourself, it’s déclassé to broadcast how deeply you’ve invested your entire identity in beating a video game

it'd be even nicer if Puerto Rico's governor didn't preside over the elimination of voting rights for the incarcerated!

if you feel the show i like is racist PERHAPS YOU ARE THE REAL RACIST???????? hmm yes yes excellent hot take

Do you speak Spanish? Did you hear Donna's response to Matt Lauer? Because that was the funniest line on the show. (as to both hispanic characters being maids, you've got a point there, Donna's mole business notwithstanding)

yes, pressed is a thing.

I dated an abuser, and let me tell you one thing: if you ever feel like you're tiptoeing on eggshells around someone who's supposed to love you, run.

Lord grant me the strength to divorce the absolute heck out of anyone who tries to talk me into therapy so I can be okay with being cheated on.

the new 3ds has a considerably larger screen than the 3ds (as large, or maybe almost as large, as the 3ds XL's), while the new 3ds xl's screen isn't any larger than its predecessor's. that's why i'm holding out hope they decide to release the smaller version here.

that's quite the binary you've got there. you don't think women will be more comfortable approaching guys once guys stop being creepy and aggressive?

Then boys need to stop taking this 'disproportionate amount of risk.' I'm sure the stalking victims won't mind the sudden dearth of entitled dudes who lash out when their persistence isn't rewarded.