I have a difficult time calling the Angelus arc well-done considering how toothless the character ultimately was. A few sarcastic barbs thrown from his jail cell doesn't really compare to chasing Jenny Calendar down a hallway and snapping her neck.
I have a difficult time calling the Angelus arc well-done considering how toothless the character ultimately was. A few sarcastic barbs thrown from his jail cell doesn't really compare to chasing Jenny Calendar down a hallway and snapping her neck.
It probably seems like there are no stand out episodes in season three because just about every one is excellent.
That attitude concerns me.
Bang voyage
I love how Dr. Armond eventually reached the point where literally every move he made was accompanied by sound effect.
That brain pasta looked so tasty. Like scallops and noodles.
Otherwise we're talking like minutes of our lives wasted while we stream Netflix from our couches.
Flag On The Moon is an NBC executive
I want to hulk smash that stupid signature into oblivion.
One (truly outstanding) episode does not a season make. I'll take Are You Now or Have You Ever Been, Guise Will Be Guise, Reprise/Epiphany over 40 sub par hours of Buffy.
No way Buffy S6-S7 is better than Angel S2.
I miss Clark and Michael.
Seems appropriate to mention that scene in The Chocolate War set to Yaz's In My Room where the kid gets his ass kicked.
Is Avalon really synth-pop though?
Probably pretty painful.
Yeah, he's never creepy, and their relationship for the first few episodes is completely nonsexual. It seems odd to me that the writers would choose Angel for this list, when Spike was much creepier, even if he was soulless.
I like David Krumholtz going on about Chuck E. Cheese.
With his sidekick Beans!
Yea, not even close.