
It's also used to great effect in We Need To Talk About Kevin during a depressing office Christmas party.

He hasn't gotten his due yet, honestly. I feel like in time there will be a huge reappraisal of his output, both Beatles and solo.

It's got a nice melody. Production is all mucked up though, naturally.

That anyone could consider Savoy Truffle filler is beyond me. That song deserves its own genre classification.

People always say that, but I definitely prefer Ram and maybe even Band on the Run. They feel like richer, fuller albums, even with All Things' bloated runtime.

They were absolutely incredible. I'm not saying otherwise. But if the band were growing into anything it was a giant puss-filled blister. They could barely stand to be in the same room, and if it weren't for Paul basically carrying the group on his back, Abbey Road and Let It Be wouldn't have been made, much less

Yea, but what about Monkberry Moon Del…I see what you mean.

That's fair. I always assumed their songwriting wasn't nearly as good later on because they'd been churning out pop perfection for nearly a decade, and by 1970 they just couldn't hit that peak any longer. How many bands have ever sustained success for that long? So, I think it's a bit unfair to chalk it up to creative

Those french horn solos are probably my favorite section of any Beatles song.

I don't think it's a flawed debate. They wrote like a dozen songs together, and the rest were pretty much solo songs with Beatles accompaniment. I don't necessarily prefer either one of them (though I certainly prefer McCartney's solo work), but I understand why other people do.

Tiebreaker goes to whoever wrote "Christmas Time Is Here Again".

The other seasons had all kinds of new monsters though, like the Fyarl and the creature that made Buffy hear everyone. You know the one. And the Doublemeat Palace penis lady.


I really like Marge's Christmas sweater.

Crap dammit

That's because she's been in a lot of shitty projects. But in seven seasons of Buffy she was pretty great, and I would cite her range as an actress as one of the biggest reasons the show succeeded.

Sarah Michelle Gellar's range is about as limitless as it gets.

So much so that i almost feel it was calculated.

I saw it at a horror fest this weekend, and I'm pretty sure I haven't turned off the lights since then.

Are you saying that you're a 25 year old bodybuilder?