I kinda liked it! Shiiiiiiiit.
I kinda liked it! Shiiiiiiiit.
@avclub-fc1027164548d0abe0f897f083c29dd6:disqus God, that line kills me.
Never change.
First Cloverfield, now this. Man, you're on a roll.
First Cloverfield, now this. Man, you're on a roll.
TWO movie stars' brothers. To Die For came out in 1995. Does that mean Casey Affleck was famous before his brother? Weird.
But Weird Al is so good in it!
But Weird Al is so good in it!
But Weird Al is so good in it!
True, and Car Trouble is one of my favorite 80's singles.
What is this, amateur hour?
Maybe it's because every time he has full creative control of a project, it turns out awesome. People tend to get the benefit of the doubt like that.
I remember thinking, where are the cutaways??
What's this, your 20th comment deriding the show or, worse, attacking people who like it? We get it dude. Probably a closet BBT fan yourself.
You could probably say that about every good show based around an anti-hero, certainly The Shield. "He's a Los Angeles cop, but he's dirtier than the criminals he's chasing!" It's just good character development.
Though an argument could certainly be made that those 12 shows are the most recent best. All are juggernauts.
Hey, the Spill The Wine one was great.
Easily his best role.
Easily his best role.
Shout it from the rooftops, douchebag.