According to Melania’s lawsuit, she is potentially closed off from “licensing, branding, and endorsement” deals in “apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care, and fragrance.”
According to Melania’s lawsuit, she is potentially closed off from “licensing, branding, and endorsement” deals in “apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care, and fragrance.”
Wasn’t she on QVC selling skin care? That’s her market.
First ladies have often served to promote style and oftentimes their fashion, decorating, or diet choices have triggered big sales for designers or for nutritional movements. Jackie Kennedy (style and culture) Lady Bird Johnson (environmentalism) and Betty Ford (wellness) all come to mind. But not one ever cashed in…
*This is like the only defense I ever hear people use with this woman.
Was it going to be a bargain basement brand? Because rich people aren’t going to buy her shit.
You have to assume she signed a pretty crappy prenup, so you can’t blame a girl for looking for a way out.
But she’s so classy!!
As much as I hate them, they act as a bull horn, which at least lets us know what the GOP is up to. With out trump and the mess that comes with him, all the recent nonsense would be happening in the shadows.
Things just kind of fizzled out with a guy in which he hated that I put everything in long paragraphs which is how I’ve always done it. He also hated that I’d just drop the conversation at random which is something I’ve also always done with all of my friends. Like we’ve run out of things to say right, it just sets…
She’s got her work cut out for her.
They can influence their fellow Saudi women, as well as women elsewhere in the world when they travel. These women have lots of oil money to spend, they can (and do) take trips to Paris, NYC, and other fashion centers to buy and wear the overpriced designer clothes.
Well the article says all you need to know, “Muslim consumers spent $243 billion on clothing in 2015 (11 percent of the global market); the figure is predicted to reach $368 billion by 2021.” Vogue exists to sell advertisements to high-end retailers. This market isn’t one they are prepared to lose over things as…
No, you’re right. It’s not strange for her to defer in political matters. It just makes the whole piece farcical as it’s intended to promote the “modern, Muslim woman”, but actually she can’t talk about politics because her husband is part of a theocratic family that rules with absolute power over their own…
I agree. Everything about this article was hollow fluff piece. I totally agree Muslim and Arab women are getting the short end of the stick when people in the west judge them as docile and/or unfashionable. But I’m also not going to back down from stating the obvious that obsession with modesty is deeply problematic…
is it? i see where you’re coming from but considering who her husband is, it’s probably smart for her not to wade into things too deeply.
Reinforcing again my deep thankfulness that I do not live in the Arab world where I would definitely not be a princess.
1. I have never seen Miracle on 34th Street.
The only moral abortion is their abortion.
Why don’t you then? For reals, why not? Why are we continuing to pander to these idiots? They don’t deserve that, they deserve the unfiltered truth.
You don’t debate them on their terms. You stand your ground firmly on your own terms. Have you ever debated a forced birther? They DON’T CARE about the mother AT ALL. It is all about the embryo in her womb, that’s it. Our argument should be the woman who is ALREADY ALIVE and her right to her own bodily autonomy.