
How to power level in a new game (GBA version):

Not to mention that The Division is supposedly filled with secret agencies and sleeper cells, not the average day soldier. Meaning that the people going into downtown New York may actually not be full time professionally trained soldiers, but people who had lives before they we’re called into duty.

Just in case you haven’t seen them before, the characters are from the anime Kill la Kill. These appear to be fan art of both Pokémon and Kill la Kill (the first outfit is her in her “combat suit")

Can anyone explain the manly guys doing manly things? I don’t think I’ve played enough Zelda to get this one.

The Joy of Creation is FREAKING TERRIFYING. It doesn’t seem like there is much in terms of gameplay right now, but the visuals and sound quality is nuts! I hope it’s amazing when finished.

The PS4 was designed so that the hard drive could be easily removed. All you need is a screwdriver and a short tutorial in case you’re not sure what to do (Pop the top and unscrew).

Just update my PS4 hard drive to 2tb, so reinstalling all my stuff the weekend, so maybe some offline stuff during saturday/sunday, then play games on Monday.

Driver will always be necessary, the same with airline pilots. Planes can, for the most part, fly themselves to and from the destination while taking care of the more complex aspects of flying the plane. The pilots mostly tell the plane where to go and monitor everything, but can focus more on making sure they are

Some of them are already pretty cool, like new weapons to the game, to ones that help with harder modes like the ability to wear a clothing item and armour on top of that (super heavy Garvey, here we go), to ones that feel like they should have been in base game, like the game accounting for the armour you have on

Depending on your rig, maybe check out some of the mods. I have the season pass, but I’m gonna wait before getting new patch so the really required mods can update. Even some of the smaller mods, like making everyone takes 2x damage in survival mode, not just you, is making my second run a bit better.

It’s been 40 ingame days up there. God knows what he’s youtubing about right now?

This is why I read comments before clicking on any links. I don’t know what it is, but I’m guessing I want it to stay that way.

In the reveal stream they mentioned that the campaign would follow multiple soldiers across the war. So the campaign could be set up less of “this side is evil” and more “this is why we fight”. Switching from British to German to Russian to French to Austrian to Ottoman could do wonders with the campaign, and it’s

Also jeeps were manned rockets that could blow up tanks.

Explination here for people who are okay for spoilers but don’t know undertale’s story. Spoilers, duh.

Squad Leaders, we’ve picked up a new group of signals. Enemy TIE fighters headed your way.

Its says that those divisions are working on Star Wars projects, so if they’re working on the MMO then yes, they would be included.

Possibility to have descendants or heirs to your equipment? You start off as unskilled as before, but could inherit a house or some equipment?

Opposite for me. It’s better for me now as an adult than as a kid, as it gave me nightmares as a child, specifically the part where the basketball players are in a hospital getting examined by doctors, while slow music with someone going “Ooohhh Yeah” is in the back ground. 6 year old me had no idea what was going on.