
You colourful stripes of the tiger fill you with determination.

At the stamp being Rapunzel, or at her being 31 and childless?

Not to mention you could listen to “radio broadcasts” which was someone making playlists,sometimes live, and find new music that way.

Each time I’ve equipped gear, it has never covered all of the body part I’ve equipped to it. I never figures out how to make it look like I’m wearing full armour like that.

In the article, it states that each team will play double best of 2’s. I assume that means that each team will play a best of two with all other teams twice.

I just realized it had been a black bar the entire time....

I apologize for everything and nothing.

Are you saying that if you like it (destruction of a small moon) that you should put a ring on it (Mars)?

I think it was calculated that Dogmeat can carry exactly 147.9 lbs of gear.

Facebook either needs to do this for more attacks, or swing this into it’s own app for attacks, and it is most likely hand for people who constently travel to places around the world.

This is the game that I’m buying a Wii U for.

It’s really hard to see her pupils as they are blue right by her skin.

I believe that the power armour, while it is great for most class builds, is great for anyone with a charisma build. If they go for building settlements and not putting points into combat perks, they probably can earn the caps to keep it operational, making it their actual armour instead of that suit for those hard

The best update so far! Open the windows! Wear a Toque! Authentic Hockey mode!

Haha, perfect addition of the droids. Replace Pathfinder for R2D2 and I’d watch it again.

The Loop:

Don’t go breaking my heart.

Now playing

Honestly I just think Palpatine knew all along.