
You’re missing a large piece of this comic. On the taptastic page, this soundcloud song was supposed to be played along with the Gif.

I think it might be a James Bond outfit, but clearly not enough work went into it, nobody can tell what he’s dressed up as.

Ksp nerd here again, this time on mobile since everyone needs to know about space.

KSP Nerd here! When in space, speed is defined by how far the craft has traveled in relation to itself. While that seems as if it would be more confusing to figure out how fast it is travelling, remember that New Horizons had a extremely precise flight plan, and that even a few miles per hour one way or the other

All the crews like to get down and jump on it for a few days (fixing all of the leaking problems before they all die).

Mister and Misses Watson, of Hull, chose a very cunning way of not being seen. When we called at their house to discuss their habit of not leaving tips, we found they had gone away on two weeks holiday. However, a neighbour told us where they were.

I really like the story, and the manga is really well drawn too, but the art style, well, the artists previous work can been seen in the art.

Freedom of religion doesn’t only apply to *your* religion, jackasses.

Even worse. That leaves an open playland between China and South Korea, with a massive territorial battle, and anyone who can’t leave because of family or belongings will just get caught in the crossfire.

But they have such nice doilies! (Ignore the face mask falling off his face)

While it’s true that even China thinks that North Korea is becoming a bit much, in the long run there are only two real outcomes to defeating North Korea: South Korea is forced to take care of the impoverished nation, or the UN does.

My favorite episode by far was Death of the Luftwaffe, followed closely by Long Odds. The Battle of Y-29 is my favorite underdog story, and the story of Old 666 is something out of a fiction novel!

Now playing

The Typhoon may have been the grand daddy of the A-10 Thunderbolt II, but it got it’s name FROM the P-47 Thunderbolt. It was a nice fit seeing how they both can survive damage that would kill a terminator.

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The plane that gave it its name also had a knack for giving and taking damage.

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My first love may have been the P-51, but the P-47 holds a soft spot in my heart.

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You never forget your first love, the P-51. However, I also loved the P-47 with it’s inability to just freaking die!

I don’t know how you got that, but I want it yesterday.

A group is also translating the web novel I believe. You can find their work in this google doc:

I think this is fucking amazing, not because they’re the first two women to graduate (I always feel that those kind of things shouldn’t be as celebrated because women should have been involved a long time ago), but because of the stories they can tell in whatever unit they’re assigned to since they can’t join the