So if we wind up with a Washington vs. San Jose Stanley Cup final, how can they both choke themselves out of winning the series?
So if we wind up with a Washington vs. San Jose Stanley Cup final, how can they both choke themselves out of winning the series?
Let the memes begin!
For those, like me, whose only interest in this story is the team name:
Nothing says George Michael like a slow, depressing song and no movement.
Or it’s because they dont have any games worth showing. ZING!
I hate Deadspin comments because of nerdy contrived attempts at humor. This is all of that to the absolute most extreme. Ugh. +1
Here’s a preview of Detroit’s new jerseys.
Oh grow up. Cindy didn’t kill your dog.
Option 3:Dad with kids: Learn how to teach your kids not to fuck with your shit, ya dope.
Nothing brings people of all races together like ignoring MLS.
When your best and only offers are from UConn, Monmouth and Cornell, how do you not go with Cornell? Sure, there’s the glory and tradition of the CoNfLiCT, but with Cornell at least you get a diploma from an Ivy to go with your CTE.
Wake up, Lebron. Wake up. 😢
Who did this?
A bunch of journalists crowding around a hole in the wall may seem weird, but at least it’s a lot less creepy than when a bunch of truckers do it at a rest stop.
Yes. Having literal children of that race is exactly the same as knowing random people of that race.
Hate to tell you this Hamilton but, once the Scalia vacany is filled, the Friedrichs case is going to be reheard in the Supreme Court and is going to win, which will basically turn the whole country into WTR.
“There ain’t no sin and there ain’t no virtue. There’s just stuff people do.”
Like I say in the piece, they use the same bag from first grade to sixth grade.