
Hmmmm. Walking a mile through West oakland/ The port vs Embarcadero hmmmmm

The Giants stayed because the A’s gave them territorial rights to San Jose for free.

The Giants are the ones being the babies. A’s were going to build a stadium with 0 tax payer money which is what people claim they want. Now Giants control two of the largest cities in the bay and they Giants stole Sacramento minor league which leaves the A’s with Oakland and Stockton. What a great market. Fuck the

I wish I could eat Alex Len’s butt. He’s so sexy

Trump on his accusers.

“To me that’s unclear enough that I’d avoid putting “Blue Jays fans used racial slurs” as an undisputed fact, but most outlets are doing just that. I dunno.”

It was pointed out numerous times in his post that Cam threw the ball. But Tom gotta shit post for clicks

They know Colin is white right?

I miss Gawker. At least HamNo pieces of crap were usually only cross posted there. Not here.

This is the most relevant Nelly Furtado has been in years. Bless her heart.

Why is this millennial I'm smarter than you shit on Deadspin? Nothing sports related at all. At least Ashley is funny.


Cute. Someone pretending Hella isn't common slang.

Can Hope Solo apologists (aka non sports fans) stfu about Hope Solos suspension now?

Deadspin does not pay. So no.

My bad. iPhone autocorrected or I mispelled my thoughts. Most likely the latter.

Ironic. Gawker bought by Univision and now our clips arent fucking hipster Spanish dubs of ESPN. They’re actually in the same language the author uses to write his post.

Lol dead

Anyone else find their celebration a little problematic/suspect?

How does it pull her to the right? She doesn’t need Meg’s money to beat Trump. Trump is doing a great job hurting himself.