
The backlash is strong because so many minds will be blown. Bernie, if he’s even viable in a few months, being elected will really anger republicans because he’s another President Obama in their view (who I love), but their heads will blow off of their necks if a woman is elected president. In fact, if I didn’t

And Bernie isn’t working in congress for free for 25 years. Is anyone concerned that a life-long Congress insider like Bernie is standing in the way of a real revolution...oh, that tiny one called Women’s Equality?

Let me explain it to you: WOMEN don’t get paid for their work. Examples: cooking, cleaning, child care, or tip jobs that pay no base and they have to smile, look cute, and serve to be paid. People are upset because HRC makes big bucks at speaking engagements just like men do. They are upset because subconsciously they

Any woman in a position of power in our society is an outsider. Bernie has been in congress for 25 years. I’m tiring of his “oh, shucks,” cute grandpa routine. If Hillary walked on stage with her hair a mess and her arms jangling everywhere people would be calling for her execution.

okay. sorry.

He’s a feminist.

Oh, if she was a MAWM she would be fawned over. All of this is backlash to feminism and men losing their privilege. If only young people would prioritize their political concerns. Do they really care about bank takedowns (which HRC will do, too) more than they care about women making progress in society. With YET

Bernie is establishment: He’s been in congress for 25 years. What do you call that?

Systemic racism is real. What’s your point?

Are we upset today “instrumentofpunishment” because republicans also sent emails from private servers and your undies are now in a twist because email-gate is now erased, just like Benghazi?? I love watching you guys get so upset. Women are crushing it in society and you can’t take it. Even if BS wins, which he won’t,

Yes, this lil lady is soo cuuuuuuute. Your tone tells me you are very threatened by this little lady. By the way, I love huge cocks. I see from your comment yours is tres petite!

No, I voted for President Obama. It’s time now. And, by the way, fuck you.

Somebody should ask Bernie Sanders how it feels to stand in the way of a real revolution: Equality for women. As for the server, emails, etc....who cares?