
I just for the life of me cant imagine two men fighting over Witherspoon. I cant. If my best friend and I found out we were both slumming it with her she would be double dumped in heartbeat. I mean I guess to some folk she might be gorgeous, but to me….. She’d be stuck in friend zone.

So basically you’re saying you can’t handle your liquor at all and yet you choose to walk around with expensive electronic equipment when you go drinking. And it seems you are looking to get fired since you do this with review stuff.

Um, wow dude. You really need to step back for a minute and read what you wrote.

I actually don’t mind the look of it. My only question is who is going to lease office space here? How is going to want to buy property? Why would they? Why would anyone move to this new city?


I was a fan of the show until the end. Im glad for a season 11. I dont know why this site hates Smallville so much for. I bet that show brought a few thousand new readers to this site over the years and millions more into scifi.

Best reply yet. Ok im interested. Ill check it out later on.

Don’t crucify me here, but why would I need or want this. I don’t use twitter, and everytime I follow a link to a friends twitter page its just a brief blog post. I can kinda understand this if I were part of a group looking for fast updates on some huge group action we all have to take, but besides that what is it

With DLC the norm on IOS I cant fathom paying for another streetfighter game. I bought 4 forhte iphone after reading IGNs fake review praising it. Im sure they were paid off. And found the contols were worthless. Next I see th e1 dollar firesale then there is volt. wtf?

To me the water is already murkey if not bloody. Do you remember all of those people being sued by the RIAA? The lawfirms that popped up with preditory practices normally used by debt collection services. The people who have faced out right threats that were later proved illegal and at times wring since the IP

But its doable. Thats all Im saying.

I mean go after the sites and the business. Emails, memos, payroll, HR, all of it. Everyone.

I mean keep it down. Make people not want to work there. Make sure thier payroll company cant pay its employees. Replace every employees and lawyers facebook and linkin pages with troll faces. Mess with thier office services dept with phony orders billed to them for thousands of boxes of pink paper legal sized.

I never understood why the bigger hacker groups haven’t destroyed the professional and personal websites RIAA and of its employees. Including all the law firms they use to go after people.

Can you please list your fave games for Icade use? I just got one and Id rather not waste my time with the 99%.

You are wearing toooooooo much... Its only not bad to you because your nose is dead from everything you have one. You are that person that people crack jokes about after they walk by because you have too much on. Thanks for trying but calm it down kiddo. If its that bad go see a doctor.

Shower twice a day and wear deodorant. No Axe cologne isn’t the fucking same you dorm room twits. No too much Gucci cologne isn’t gonna help you euro tourists. And no I dont give two craps what your religion is I’m not getting in your effing cab if it smells like hell.