
The Fantastic is a literary term used when events in a story border between possibly being supernatural or possibly being explainable. For example, "Rosemary's Baby" is a film where Rosemary could have been impregnated by the devil, or it could have all been in her head (and the film does lean towards the former, but

I dislike this review. It is a mediocre film with a lot of wasted opportunities. Meticulous research is something that should be done for any period piece, and quoting it at the end comes from a place of insecurity. "The Witch" is a film with little depth, and one that should have steered toward the fantastic

Great article, Ignatiy!

Tis time to start calling this section 'Blu-ray Review' - um kay.

This is my favorite review of the year, hands down!

I love this review - thanks for drawing attention to the set as whole!

With your description of this one plot detail, you seem to me simplifying a film that is anything but simple. I understand what you are trying to say, but you're also assuming that she would have been fulfilled if the sex was different. If it was say a different man, and she has the best sex of her life, maybe she

Very nice Blu-ray review! This is a must own for sure.

Very nice review! Nice to see Franco getting some attention.This makes up for the article on 5th entry sequels — where most of those blurbs have been used in similar form on other sequel posts — that this site put up today.

You're running out of ideas, folks…

Thanks for the response, I was not aware, and have been slightly humbled. Either way, please bring it back in some form, even if it is just a list; I discovered quite a few titles from it.

Well how about less Criterion? And if not, maybe some more attention on the quality of extra material, or maybe some contextualization of the history of the film on home video - just something that puts more emphasis on the reasons people should be buying Blurays. I enjoy your writing (as in, it flows well, and you

I wish the DVD review section would actually review the quality of the bluray/DVD and wasn't just a film review. And why is it always Criterion? AVCLUB used to do a 'new to home video' section (Ignatiy did a great job with it), but obviously it didn't get enough hits - and you know AVCLUB only cares about those hits!