His “stiffness”, which I take as intentional, is part of what makes him hilarious to me. I swear that he gies me something to laugh at even in the deadest of sketches.
His “stiffness”, which I take as intentional, is part of what makes him hilarious to me. I swear that he gies me something to laugh at even in the deadest of sketches.
Kenan always makes me laugh. I especially enjoy his game show host characters.
You gotta mention the new Papyrus skit!
Wait, what’d he do to . . . OH! You said “beating OUT”! My bad. I thought we had a story here!
Rules of fame and talent don’t apply to royalty, you peasant!
Yeah, you got a catch phrase, you could be hugely famous in the 80s.
This is getting heavy.
He is referring to the competitive world of the 1880's British Dancehall scene.
Beating out Eric Stoltz really went to his head.
There were plenty of vapid one-hit wonders and temporary sensations that time forgot because they were ultimately forgettable.
Taffy machines don’t stretch this much.
Why are you trying to get the internet to go after Michael J Fox? Does that seem like the right target to you?
Next target of his wrath: the kids on his lawn.
>Honestly surprised it took the show this long to use the Ink Spots’ “Maybe,” perhaps the most iconic Fallout soundtrack song.
There was also Steve Zahn. The guy who drank Lucy’s water.
Huge letdown of a finale. There was one character that had absorbed the abilities of several others against a character that could mimic the abilities of those around him. I was anticipating them each rotating through several different powers in the battle. Alas, what we got was much more pedestrian.
Most disappointing ending to an exciting build-up. You had two characters with ALL the super powers. You have to let them do more than just punch stuff. Same issue with Harry Potter wizard fights that just involve pointing their wand lazers at each other and seeing which is stronger. You’re wizards for pete’s sake.…
Remember the first season finale, when we were all so excited to see all the heroes fight Sylar? And then we saw that it was basically all of the heroes in a single-file line and they each took a turn to fight him for about 10 seconds and then they’d tap out and let the next one have a turn.
Its one of those 07 shows that really should have just stopped at one season , like Prison Break.
Good memories of that three-month period in late 2006 and early 2007 when we were all saying this was better than Lost