Now that sounds interesting, and consistent with the direction of the current plot.
Now that sounds interesting, and consistent with the direction of the current plot.
Oncomice. See a little higher up in the comments.
It puzzles me that reviewer after reviewer on AV Club gets names of people and things wrong when they're unusual. (Grimm is the worst.) All they have to do is turn on closed captions, like you and I do. It's not so hard. I understand that when they get sent advance copies, they may not have CC. But if they're watching…
Which one is Krystal?
All that is true, yet they also have "feds" (Canada has only one federal police-type agency, the RCMP, and no one calls them "the feds"), and an army base in "the desert" that is assumed to be in Mexico, etc. It's Not Quite Canada.
Don't forget this is Not Quite Canada. Somewhat easier foreign travel there.
For once they showed TV reception as it was in s big city in the '80s - pretty good, clear enough to see clown Reagan's cheeks. Most of the time they show it with wavy lines, fading out, etc., like maybe it was some of the time in the '50s.
It doesn't have to be a spinoff (and won't be). The actress will get work on other shows, for sure.
Or early 70s: Walkabout (1971).
Right near the beginning, there was a driver of a car who was named Stapleton: that's also from the Hound of the Baskervilles (a main character there).
More banter. Of course it's not Aramaic! But it sounds cute. (Maybe a real Aramaic scholar can find something it's sort of like.)
You and Nixon.
Est also played a part in the last couple of seasons of Mad Men, 1969-70 or so.
It could be the Second Coming of Jesus this time, what with the True Cross in attendance and all. That would be one for the books.
The aristocracy did not have any *power* whatsoever in 1925. (In fact, just a few years earlier the House of Lords lost its last power to reject passed bills from the House of Commons - they could now only delay them twice.) What the aristocracy still had was *status* (as they do now, for those who choose to…
By the way, the closed captions spelled it Dawg.
We know what kind of ad they would have run, because we've seen it. Yes, it was just just text on the screen, as it was read out.
Yes, that was so peculiar. Well, stupid. I thought "What??? are you talking about?"
I don't get why Darden didn't come right back at Cochran and tell him he was fulfilling exactly the same role on the defense: they already had a "Dream Team" and added Cochran because he was black. They did. Of course he turned out to be so much more.