
Maybe he was filming next year's Downton. They shoe them in the UK in the fall (autumn) so they might be starting now.

Oy gevalt.

As would anyone this guy needed to deal with in the future, even as King of his own country. He'd have to buy in everything from the USA, where everyone would only accept US dollars. Not that I'd expect such a fantasist to be thinking logically about it, but there you are.

"I am not 'Miss Crawley'. I am LADY MARY CRAWLEY."

I wondered if they were shoving the pool cue up his ass, if that's what you mean, yes.

The only spelling.

Speaking of which, didn't he have a framed diploma in his BB office testifying to his law degree from some south Pacific island, (or maybe it was Central America)? In last night's episode, when his brother sprung him from jail, I got the idea that Jimmy didn't yet have even an undergraduate university degree from

In Latin, phoenices, although in Latin you'd never use the plural since in Greek and Roman mythology there was only ever one of them (at a time - with a new one being born from the ashes of the old). I was waiting to see if there would be a rebirth.Not as yet. In English you can say phoenices or phoenixes, should you

I missed

I liked the beginning of it - when Juliette made that vase stand still in the air and you could see Adelind thinking "What the hell??".

Yes to the water gun placed into the chamber of horror weapons! Actually, Giuntuli is good at the very faint, almost imperceptible, wry smile at such moments. It was good here.

Yes. She explained that on a live talk program that came on at 11:00. One of the call-ins asked her why she should have won "when Rebecca made the dessert", and both she and Gregory confirmed that it was her recipe, she told Rebecca how to make it, and she supervised and did the finish.

It might have been one of the sous chefs who forgot to get those ingredients ready, and he didn't want to lay blame since he is in the end responsible. He explained later that it wasn't just the taste: you need the sugar and vinegar at the beginning to get the right consistency as it cooks. But it was surprising he

I've got to guess that the period setting puts some people off, and maybe the unusual extensive use of subtitles for the Russian too. Though you'd think that some of the "period" people watching Mad Men would follow this. In fact you'd think there would be a substantial AMC sector who watched both Mad Men and Breaking

He did. And he's mentioned by name, and in conversation with, Alan Sepinwall in his more professional review of The Americans at HitFix.

You're right, they did and he did. What is your comment referring to - who says otherwise? Or what are you supposed to have missed?

There you go. It was Gabriel who gave the wrong definition from memory (being the basic one, the one he remembered), but probably checked at some point and knew it was in there. I think this was the word Philip checked, and seemed content to leave things.

What I was most impressed by last night is that both sets of sous chefs just worked so well as teams with their main chef. This is how it's supposed to be but never is on Top Chef. Another consequence of having nice, professional people in the competition, and the final two having their heads on straight and making

That feels right.

Raylan just figured out then and there that a "she" being behind "LM Consolidated" must mean that it's Loretta Macready?