
Look at what's on. This must be the worst day for TV in the whole year - if not for several years. I'll watch a movie.

I don't understand why AV Club isn't reviewing weekly The Honorable Woman, also on Sundance immediately following Rectify. They did have an excellent preview for it, then nothing. Does anyone know of somewhere that is reviewing it?

Here where I get it on Cox Cable, it's also usually available the next day in HD On Demand. It's got all the commercials but unlike most On Demand shows you can fast forward theough them. Three more days l;ater, on Mondays, a new version appears On Demand with fewer ads (52 minutes total) where it styas up about a


Not hypocritical, but puzzling. Of course, that was the point of the show, but even so, it still doesn't really make convincing sense to me. He would be worried about his daughter losing her father, and should phone Molly right back and get her to send the police and FBI out there.

Who's Tony?

These people are Canadians.

I found myself very irritated by this episode. So much of it just seems quite stupid. They're not really explaining how the investment banking works, just messing with the characters, creating tension out of nothing real, and everyone is going around being even more smug than before. There was once a time (first


Lester?? You mean Malvo, yes? It wasn't Lester who said anything about apple pie, he wasn't there.

Not so much setting up, as buying into. That would cost something, but not as much. The other dentist said the practice was boring until Malvo came along, The office already existed, maybe it even had the dental equipment. He would have had to buy in, but maybe in deepest Missouri (?) it's not as expensive as it can

Originally Culpepper?


The Good Wife, too.


Not only was it said to Bonnie, but Pete meant that he knew he'd find her in Don's office (wherever that might be, though he seemed to know full well where that was), NOT that he'd find Don "in a dead man's office". The reviewer has totally misconstrued Pete's comment. It's unfortunate that she chose to lead off her

Until last year, you could do this because the AMC HD feed everywhere, including the west coast, was in fact the east coast feed. So you could see or DVR Mad Men in HD at 7 pm (even though on standard def it was on at 10 pm). AMC suddently introduced a west coast HD feed last springf (2013) - I think it may have even

It isn't, you know. "Dice" is the plural.

So how did Trubel slice off the FBI guy's head so neatly? Did she have a sword or a big knife at least that she conveniently found? I must have missed it. It looked like she had a stick and walloped him. Then off rolled his head.

Did Molly find anything incriminating in the washing machine? It didn't look like it. I vaguely recall something or other that Lester was hiding in there (or was it the dryer?) but can't recall what it was now. Can someone remind me? He stuffed something in there which he must have since cleaned out, since it didn't