
No. This is a dangerous statement.

Love can do wondrous things. A lot can happen in those twenty-seven seconds.

I see what you did there.

Bradley Whitford is one of the good ones. In fact, he’d have voted for Obama for a third time if possible.

Exactly. If I kicked him in the balls and apologized, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be okay with the kicking. I’d love it if the women on the receiving end of these apologies came out and refused to accept them, but I get that they just want to move on.

“Take that MS 13*/rapist/drug dealers, that will show you!”

Yes, other women (exclusively women, of course) collectively making the same small, individual choices as she does. That’s not what most people mean by “collective action.”

False reporting on any count is impossible to eliminate. Individuals that engage in that behavior have and will always exist.

I hate to be the grammar Na- . . . er, stickler here, but I think what she’s not trying to be is CALLOUS — not CALLOUSED.

This is great news. I’m hoping that Dawn and the HBO adaptation of Nnedi Okorafor’s Who Fears Death will outshine that ill-advised Confederacy show. We need feminist AfroFuturism on television, and lots of it.

Good thing your personal experience is universal, and all dogs are the same, then.

Yeah, I mean. I seem to remember a lady candidate who NEVER wore sleeveless and rarely (if ever) wore skirts. In fact, she wore a feminine version of male suits almost every time I saw her on the news or in public or anything.

save on electricity by setting the thermostat to 80 C instead of 70 C.

I attended two (both?) Lillith Fairs as a little boy, in-tow with my mother who went to the shows as a vendor. I remember it quite fondly: probably one of the few times I’ve ever attended an event where the gender ratio was one I was comfortable with - large groups of men has never been my idea of a safe time.

It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Like he thinks the press is a customer service field where the customer is the world leader being reported on. Like she’s good at her job if she gives positive coverage (instead of reporting the facts). And further, that her smile means she’ll give positive coverage. I guess in his mind if

Great points. I just I’m just amazed he thinks so simplistically that smile = nice.

If I remember my Dirt Bags correctly, Kim had some pretty tough pregnancy issues including that wingardium leviosa (sp) where you puke like...all day. Pregnancy sounds awful.

But her “baggage” is a red herring. None of it is true. Every woman who goes up against the GOP is going to get the same treatment and we can’t just say “well, she had so much baggage” forever.

You have to work pretty goddamn hard to not like her if you actually view her interacting with people and being herself.