
Chief Queef’s already tried to explain this, but: quantitative survey research (such as you’d see in political polls or the U.S. Census) is SELF-REPORTED. Qualitative interview data are SELF-REPORTED. Medical studies that track patients’ diet, activity, level of pain/discomfort, etc. are often SELF-REPORTED.

I’m less interested in Michael Che specifically (I agree with you that it’s important not make men of color like Che or Aziz Ansari into the most visible scapegoats, though I don’t think that means they should be free from criticism, either). It’s more that I take issue with your claim that someone who doesn’t want to

From what I’ve read, yes, it seems like it. Sure, there’s a lot of harassment and toxicity to go around on social media—and it’s certainly not limited to women and POCs—but rather than being a democratic space that’s equal opportunity when it comes to harassment and access to a platform for one’s views, it does seem

Yes, people have the ability to ignore or delete their twitter accounts, email, etc. However, as GamerGate (and like tons of other online incidents) have showed us, the disproportionate targeting of women and people of color online leads to a pretty major silencing of those people’s voices in online discourse. Yes,

Yeah, this stood out to me. Kennedy’s not a liberal - he’s been the swing vote on a number of cases (“swing” precisely because he’s not a for-sure vote in the progressive column). When he writes the majority opinion in cases like Obergefell (legalizing gay marriage in 2015), he still tends to use somewhat conservative

I get that. At the same time, something that authors like Jack Halberstam highlight when they’re writing about drag kings is the possibility that kings (as well as butches and other folks exploring female masculinity) might not only reproduce dominant masculinities but also innovate alternative masculinities. For

the mother DOES have a bigger impact, because we came out of our mothers.

roll out bed like a whale carcass being pushed out to sea

Queer woman here; I feel the same way about words like “dyke.” I’ve been called a dyke by a straight woman who was hostile to me, and it was completely unambiguous that it was meant as a slur. I’ve also been called a dyke by other queer women, and it’s hard to overstate how embraced and seen and included it made me

I mean, more power to the people who rock the see-through leggings. Me, I just want to know so I can plan my outfit: do I need to coordinate this with some sort of long tunic top/dress? Does this affect my underwear choice for the day?

Wait, what now? Is this all part of some elaborate troll? Ahhhh!

The perfume issue was so much worse when I went to a gym in New Jersey in the mid-aughts; my current gym is full of hippies and college students. Such an improvement!

I remember when fashion leggings were relatively new and I, too, was in the “leggings aren’t pants” camp. Like you, I came to the position that what other people wear is none of my business.

Yep, there are two things I judge people at the gym for: bad etiquette on machines (usually phone-related) and, once in a while, using WAY too much perfume. Those things affect my ability to use the gym comfortably. What someone wears does not.

I had the same reaction - the mediocrity of this article is simultaneously grim and inspiring.

The only thing newsworthy about the NY Times article is how transparently click-baity and shit-stirry it is. The only article that should be titled “Why Yoga Pants Are Bad For Women” is an exposé on leggings that give us yeast infections or carry a high risk of accidental strangulation or something.

It’s not really about any one casting decision, though. The point is how many films and TV shows continue to cast white people in roles where the source material would have given them the opportunity to cast people of color (see also: The Last Airbender; SyFy’s adaptation of A Wizard of Earthsea; Dr. Strange; Ghost in

(1) Barf.
(2) I feel like you could probably sell this idea to PepsiCo. Maybe the chips are actually fat-free popcorn?

“Are there snacks for women that can be designed and packaged differently? Yes, we are looking at it, and we’re getting ready to launch a bunch of them soon.”

Good point. And note what she says about Hillary in the same column: