You're feeling real awesome now, don't you?
You're feeling real awesome now, don't you?
That's because the government didn't fund my modernized version of the experiment. I was going to try to teach a group of chimpanzees how to use Instagram and Twitter by giving them a bunch of blow jobs and molly. They would have been all "#drinkwaterme" and "#mouthpleasepenis." But I guess our country doesn't give a…
I'll make this really simple for you: Josh Lueke was not convicted of rape. Josh Lueke is a rapist. These two things are not incongruent or inconsistent.
It should go without saying that if someone is too intoxicated to remember an event, they're also too intoxicated to consent.
...does it internally register to you that, in posting that, you've both posited yourself as an irredeemable piece of shit and you've managed to contribute nothing to the discourse?
But if we get self-righteous about real crimes like rape (Lueke), domestic abuse (K-Rod, Milton Bradley), drunk driving (LaRussa), fraud (Dykstra), etc., then we won't be able to be sanctimonious towards PED users and we're not giving that up. - Baseball Writers' Association of America
I'll be honest. I've met waaaaay more loud and obnoxious Canadians than Americans while traveling. And the thing they're being loud and obnoxious about? Not being American.
It's like the old saying goes, "Life gives you lemons, make a butt plug."
Eris is a chaos goddess? That sounds pretty Lawless.
Exactly. I only watched the last inning and I was already sick of hearing how downtrodden Red Sox fans are with this incredible DROUGHT of home field World Series wins. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for feel-good sports narratives there.
It's so nice when a plucky little low-budget team does something great.
So happy the Sox finally won a World Series! (As you know, winning a World Series on the road doesn't count.)
While I agree that the randomness element is more prevalent in baseball than just about any other sport, I think that describing it as nothing more than a coin toss is too reductive. Baseball requires a great deal more skill than flipping a coin, and better lends itself to prediction through statistical analysis than…
No sure if sarcasm or not. Half of my total playtime was from grinding solely for Kefka's Tower since you had to use 12 of the 14 playable characters, so no low levels or you're dead. My brothers and friends were the same.