
Lol, that’s a pretty sideways way to admit that you assumed for no clear reason that a stranger on the internet had been pregnant and then acted like everyone else was dumb when they pointed out to you that the assumption made no sense.

You’re right, his 99 jeering friends filling the camera from every possible angle don’t change the calculus at all. But the one guy standing next to him sure does. Thanks, this is a super good faith conversation. 

And my point is that one man cannot bully 100 teenage boys, but 100 teenage boys can definitely bully one adult man. If you need confirmation on that, just imagine the teenagers are black and the adult is white, that should do the trick for you.

the minute his weak ass pull-out game knocks up Sarah Sanders mini-me, his parents are writing a check and having her sign an NDA on the way to Planned Parenthood.

So, leaving aside that absolutely nothing about “they want to control women’s bodies” logically implies “I have been pregnant,” PLEASE. You’re really trying to tell me that all these bozos are out there protesting for their right to be a single teen dad in the hypothetical event that some poor girl ever has the lapse

Yeah, bullies are definitely known for confronting crowds of like 100 times their number. Yup, that comparison definitely checks out.

Did...did you just compare this kid to a rape survivor? Imply that this one Native American dude and his couple friends facing down this kid while he they were surrounded by like a hundred of the kid’s friends is somehow like raping him?

Not that you probably care, but you’re not even accurately characterizing the videos that are supposed to exonerate these kids. The statement you’re taking issue with isn’t even mutually exclusive to the interaction you’re describing with Sandmann, because the Reason video very clearly shows exactly what OP says it

I sucked pretty bad at it for a long while too, but I developed a less complicated strategy to start if that might help. I figured out that the AI really, really wants to win that first round—it’ll basically play its whole deck there if you make it.

Do you really, actually, think that enforcing democratic accountability on the President of the United States and moderating Splinter comments are morally equivalent?

So the main take away of the article was meant to be “use words precisely, according to context,” but the article’s title was “Replace These Words in Your Writing.” I’d call that “ironic,” if I didn’t know someone would fuss over whether that strictly fits the definition of “irony.”

Interesting. So, is that because there are so few practical situations when the word “British” would accurately be used to refer to an exclusively Scottish concept, or is there resistance to the description even if it happens to be factually appropriate for the context? Like, if a Scottish person is being referred to

Scotland is on the Isle of Great Britain, and they are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, so they are “British” both geographically and in some political contexts. Many get upset if you call them “English,” as England is a separate country, and they don’t like it when people refer to

I’m confused how I clicked on that headline and read to the end and I still somehow haven’t seen anything about Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski writing a book.

Hey, buddy, since I never got a reply back and it’s really unclear how aware you are of our border situation, I wanted to check in again to see if you caught that our hysterics down there are actively killing children. Just wondering if you still want to claim the moral high ground in arguing that Chuck and Nancy

Given the massive percentage of Trump’s cartoonishly extravagant evil that bad been taken up recently by immigration policy, I’m not sure your math checks out that we do less harm giving him the money than with a few weeks of shutdown while they negotiate a tougher deal. Granted, if this money really all goes to the

Because it gains you nothing. Trump can sell an offering of $0 as the Democrats being unreasonable.

The Democrats offered him ~20% of what he asked for this go around. There’s argument that the optics of offering $0 out of the gate are bad, because while you should start your bid on the extreme end, starting it at $0 is just an insulting non-starter for negotiations.

Now that was a solid recovery.

It blows my mind how many people don’t understand this...