
@Communist Pope: Yes, I'm very very sad that they didn't announce that iCureCancer I was wating for... )-:

@boslok: ...and you're right, everyone else over hyped it too.

@Communist Pope: Well, to me, saying that this is something I will never forget, seems a little over the top.

Apple was right, I will never forget the day in which they over-hyped their lamest announcement.

At least the "announcement" will give the Apple website some traffic they don't need.

I guess Beatles' collectors can buy their stuff in yet another format they don't need.

This is not even worth commenting.

Please, no more 'The Beatles' related predictions for iTunes. It's been more than four years now.

@blu_goku: I appreciate and respect their talent and how rhythmic they are. However, I prefer music played on instruments. I guess it's just a matter of taste.

They don't mention $20 million anywhere in the New York Times Article.

This had been already discussed by Mr. Buchanan.

Yes I did oversleep. I thought the bug would be a problem only on Sunday. It turns out that the bug was persistent on any recurrent alarm.

I don't care. I wont be buying new movie DVDs because I can wait. I have enough not-so-old movies in my DVD queue.

What do you mean nothing? I got an e-mail.

@Boomdiggity!: Wow, I didn't know about the 'digital' part.

Why didn't they also get rid of DJs during the process?

@UnderLoK: Oh, so you got it right. Never mind then.

@UnderLoK: Nice to see that you think that:

@berbar: All I'm saying, is that all that money spent on defense (at least half of it), could be spent in better things. Like at least better food in public schools or education maybe? Education is important right?

Great, and my kid's options for food at school are still crappy junk food. I'm glad he takes his lunch from home.