
It’s definitely interesting, but I’m just not sure it makes any sense. There are few cars that I’d want to spend 150,000 miles in less than an SLK, especially with another person. And the lack of roof or trunk space means no roof tent and very limited gear, which has to be hauled in that trailer which is just yet

I’m honestly curious if I actually would fall for someone running a scam in the biotech industry. With just a sales pitch and no real look under the hood, it’s hard to form a critical, well-reasoned opinion on some new product or service that promises something revolutionary.

Wait, you mean stop giving licenses to anyone with a pulse, regulate device use heavily and our roads would be safer?

Lets focus on the fact that this applies to any street with cross traffic.

Higher speed limits can be perfectly safe... IF it’s paired with good driver training and regular driver retraining as is done in places like Germany.

Most Michiganders love the fact that the Island is vehicle free and limits things like electric bikes. It’s part of the charm and history and one reason why people like to visit. Locally, this will most likely be viewed as a positive story than a negative. I sure do.

Or just read the rules and ride a regular bike.

No, Waymo, this is not vandalism. There’s no damage being done. It’s making a point that driverless cars aren’t as smart as you think they are, and they’re doing their part to keep these cars off the road (at least temporarily) where they shouldn’t have been in the first place.

A machine that can cease functionality because someone took three seconds to put a traffic cone on it and then can only be restarted by having a third party physically come out to remove the cone seems like a machine that doesn’t need to be on the road to begin with.

Tom Layton here, the original Plaintiff. What you all must know is that the auto auctions prohibit buyers from bringing scan tools on to auction property. Therefore, you must believe what the auctions claim. Furthermore, of the 500 or so FedEx vans I personally purchased 99% of them were purchased on-line facilitated

Pretty much this. It’s all snake oil. Another example would be Realtors and everything associated with that shit hole business.

Here’s a not so secret secret, insurance companies don’t want to cover anyone. That’s how they make money, by taking your money and giving you nothing in return, then when they do HAVE TO do something, they fight you for every penny hoping you give up. Then the next year they raise your rates because you dared to use

You were right. I was warned. I choose to read it anyway and now I regret my decision 

cameras set up to catch people who were stealing hand sanitizer from the bathrooms

So these whales have sunk the boats, sending people into the water...and none of those people have been injured or killed by the whales. Curious.

I don’t care about the specs. I don’t care about any details. At $5,500 this is fuck around money and I’m excited to find out, even if it kills me.

That’s a fantastic interior. Everything is tactile and where it should be. You could drive this and never have to look anywhere but where you’re going. There’s a platform for things (laptop, lunch, barbecue...), and you can literally hose out the dirt and crap.

This wins, I forgot how awful these were. To make it worse, this is a press photo, meaning that this is literally the cleanest and nicest this can ever look. All of the actual calibers left on the road (literally tens of them I’m assuming) assuredly look even worse than this does.

I call your 1990's GM and raise you early 2000s Dodge Caliber. I had a new, low mileage rental once.