Cersei evidently wasn’t prepared to kill Jaime. I’m assuming that she told The Mountain beforehand to intimidate him, or that The Mountain picked up the hesitation in her body language (can zombies do that?).
Cersei evidently wasn’t prepared to kill Jaime. I’m assuming that she told The Mountain beforehand to intimidate him, or that The Mountain picked up the hesitation in her body language (can zombies do that?).
I don’t wanna be “that guy”, but I’m gonna be “that guy” anyway because I’m a history nerd. That stuff doesn’t happen first generation. That takes a few generations before the really bad stuff pops up.
It does help, though. Without the extension, Kinja is unusable. With it, it’s merely insufferable.
Although if he runs into Bran it’ll be awkward.
I’ve been begging for 4 days, can somebody ungrey me?
I’m using that Kinjamprove extension and it still sucks. Every time I load the page the comments are in a different order.
I grew up in Buffalo, and I used to take a small plane to go back there from New York to visit family a few times a year. One of those deals where a regional airline gets to slap the American Airlines logo on their propellor plane, and the delays at the airport are twice as long than the actual flight.
For some reason, Doug Liman’s American Made came out over here this weekend, over a month before it comes out in the US.
I just got Kinja login figured out on Friday. Mechanically speaking, it’s worse than Disqus, but not terrible; I can work with it.
That would be the “unless somebody gets extremely homicidal at the big meeting” part of my post. Though after she cratered the Sept I really don’t see anybody just walking into a place she’s prepared without a very thorough plan to avoid wildfire and probably giant crossbows as well as zombie guards.
Right but it makes much more poetic sense if it’s her own daughter. I’m not saying I’m right but it is one way it could go and I think the most dramatically satisfying.
I don’t know about you guys. But I so far have really enjoyed the Kinja conversion here at the AV Club.
I may also like if you get rid of the you may also like column cuz I don’t like it!