Is the blue and yellow a Ukraine thing?
Is the blue and yellow a Ukraine thing?
Meanwhile, on xojane: "DO THIS DON'T: Buy a Dog Instead of Having a Baby"
So long as we still have "are you ready to fuck Pat Burrell" we'll be OK.
Whatever boding European football does is probably not based on how you think.
Is there some obligation on the part of students to attend basketball games? America is weird.
The "First Four" began in 2011 so I don't think it's "traditionally" been seen as anything.
Illustrated with a four-leaf clover, of course. Is it really so difficult to count the number of fucking leaves on a shamrock? (Spoiler: it's 3).
I think we use the word "research" a bit differently.
"Needs more mayo" — Albert Burneko.
What sort of "research" have you been doing? ENDA has been kind of a big issue lately.
"the gnarled and matted underbelly of cohabitation"
Well, there are no *facts* of it, per se, but the immaculate conception refers to the conception of Mary, who got a pass on the whole original sin thing so she could be an appropriate vessel for Jesus. The virgin birth of Jesus is a different kettle of fish, so to speak.
That's some quality projection you've got going on there.
Well, of course. I'm sure violent supernatural fantasies are healthy enough so long as you don't act on them.
Hearing people's personal ghost stories is just as boring as — and indistinguishable from — hearing about people's dreams. You are not such a precious, special snowflake that the universe suspends all laws of physics so that you can feel better about yourself. Grow up.
Is this a "Hunger Games" thing?
Why, thank you. I strive for a certain quill-ity.
It's probably not easy to eat a live porcupine, in fairness.
"a client who tried to pay without leaving". Eh?