Not by any means, no. I would still rather take my chances with the police than with school administrators who are conditioned to view a report of a rape as something that might cost the local school a basketball championship or whatever.
Not by any means, no. I would still rather take my chances with the police than with school administrators who are conditioned to view a report of a rape as something that might cost the local school a basketball championship or whatever.
Right. *They* tell you to tell *them*. Don't. Their interests are not your interests and they will often side against you and with the perpetrator. See a boy being raped in the shower? Don't tell the basketball coach. Tell the police. Assaulted by another student? Don't tell your home-room teacher. Tell the police.
To report a crime, go to the police first and only. Have nothing to do with other "authorities". If you go to the "assistant band director" or "assistant vice principal" the only thing they will do is prevent, delay, or obstruct the filing of the report because they have other priorities.
"I think the question of how toxic [feminine care products] might be is one of those things that is not talked about because there is a such a mystique around the vagina," WVE board member Ogonnaya Dotson-Newman told Salon. "It's highly taboo and something that's not supposed to be discussed"
It's faked so badly it barely even counts as a fake punt. It looks to me like the "punter" is positioned about 8 yards further forward than he would be on a real punt, and the defense wasn't fooled for a second.
If you have money to give and want to help the needy, why not donate it to JUST ABOUT ANY OTHER CAUSE IN THE WORLD?
You're cutting it a bit fine to win the 2013 False Dilemma contest.
You should take a look at the article, it's quite good.
A wise man once said to DMFA. Or you could whine and obsess over him, of course.
Needs a few more warm jars of mayo.
For the requisite Foodspin flavor you're going to need to top it with about three jars of warm mayo.
Wow, people don't like Mondays, and they start to look ahead to the weekend on Thursday. This is SOLID GOLD!
Wait, this "recipe" doesn't start with a jar of warm Shop and Shop own-brand mayonnaise? What gives? Oh, "Albert Burneko is off."
Wikipedia search results for Vikki Dougan:
Another riveting tale of buying jars of things and mixing them together.
I think he's cottoned on to that.
There's nothing wrong with mayonnaise. I love mayonnaise. You whisk oil into some egg yolks, it's good stuff. But you can't go glopping coagulated semen from a warm jar you bought at the Stop & Shop and then pretend you know dick all about food.
"can do shot’s"
You're in the UK and you have many observations about the UK but this incident DID NOT TAKE PLACE IN THE UK, OK? 850 years of oppression and now this.
This is not an omelette, per se.