Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

Handy! Now you have a place to stretch out and nap while waiting for the tow truck! Crafty Brits!

She is the Honey Badger!

Ace Hunter of Megaforce approves!

Well, tried to attach the you tube video....Dunno why it won't do it

They even wrote a song about The SM Opera!

The DALE! Supposedly got 50 mpg and was super safe. In reality, the 3 wheel car was really part of an elaborate scheme by a transvestite to bilk people out of their money! I kid you not! Read up on it if you get a chance. Its a fascinating read!

I disagree! Missiles! Tanks! Chemicals! Chrysler could rain down a world of hurt on the Riddler....and then humiliate him by forcing him to drive a 1960 Simca! Thats some badassery right there!


There is a mountain pass on that route meaning this 52 mile journey probably took all day to accomplish!

Us lazy Americans dropped the E in Coupe a long time ago.

A Fairmont broke down on the side of the road? This IS a realistic porno!

Latest is its NOT a Pixar film, but a DisneyToon Studios film AND its going to be direct to DVD.

Weird Al drives a two tone 58 Nash Metropolitan 1500 in UHF. He didn't seem very comfortable in it, either. Should have removed the hardtop

The last time something shaped like that got stuck in New Jersey, Snookie was involved

Now THAT should be a TV show! "Battalion 5: Raptor Squad" this fall on NBC

The Tamiya Blackfoot! I was lucky enough to grow up in Edison, NJ not far from Tamiya's U.S. importer. My buddys and I would dumpster dive there every few days and find spare parts. My Blackfoot was fast, tough and could handle just about everything I threw at it! Awesome!

Unfortunately for Audi, this is the closest Germany has to Eminem.

Once we leave Earth's atmosphere we are the aliens.

The Landmaster from Damnation Alley (plus like 6 other movie and TV appearances) Designed by Dean Jefferies. All 12 wheels had power going to them and to steer it, Hydraulic rams would flex the body at the center. So awesome it is still around today!