Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

Isn't Elon Musk an Axe Body Spray Scent??

370Z4????? I'd rather have a 370Z

You would figure the 3 people left in Detroit could find a legal parking space!

GM must have Twittered this 15 times already! Relax, fellas, relax!

@tekamul: I didn't want the CIA on my butt after that last incident in San Paolo with Clinton and the Dead hooker

Turn left in 2 miles onto Brixton Rd

@joshman misses preview: Because its not actually about gas Mileage. Its always been about catering to peeps who think driving a Hybrid will save the Tasmanian Fruit Bat or bring about world peace. Its about green marketing.

This car needs an Enima!

@Tanshanomi: There just isn't alot of work out there for Mediocre Models

And don't put Pancake syrup in his Coffee, Either!

Maybe it was "casual Friday". Thats what I would wear on casual Friday

This is a great idea since the California law has stopped so many idiots from texting while driving here! *rolls Eyes*

Okay, Maybe more Rockabilly, but I think this Pic says it all!

Its 2.05 a block away from my office in Long beach. I filled up the Xterra for $30

Hmmm, I think you missed the 2 Tata logos in the picture

The Renault Service mechanic is the evil doppelganger of the Maytag repair man

Volt, AMPtera, what's next? Family Joules?

@jodark: Tell him, Steve-Dave!

The 2007 Playmate of the year has her hat on EBAY for $18,000. She's also on crack