@БЯд╒╒ ®: I wish the pictures would catch up so my "Chairman Meow" pic would come up.
@БЯд╒╒ ®: I wish the pictures would catch up so my "Chairman Meow" pic would come up.
I have a Spearmint Rhino across the street if I need to get out of the office to think.
@elwood: I drive a 2007 Xterra. As for a car from the 50s, yes, but not as a daily driver.
I guess if I was IN China I'd drive one..but no, not here...not after watching the crash test.
When are we going to see the classic add from the detroit area? "We gotz Chevettes, BITCHES!"
WTF is that model in the grey wearing???? "You wear this nice red cocktail dress, you, you wear wadded up draperies!
...And lets see who is under this mask...........The New 2010 Ford Taurus!!!! That's right! And I would have gotten away with it to if it weren't for you meddling kids! Rooby Rooby Roooooooooooo!
I think the thing that totally confuses me is......Why are we reanimating FRENCH people???? Unless he is a master mechanic and an expert on Citroen suspension...I say let him stay dead!
Chinese Hummer + Chinese Jeep = Chinese Heap!
The other day I saw a Cheap, shoddily built knockoff of a 67 Mustang.....wait, that was a new Mustang, not a chinese one.....nevermind
Its sad when GM has the best built car in an auto show...and its a concept!
The winner circle celebration was great! Danica unzipped her race suit and was in a half top and bikini bottoms...then Amy Adams and Jenna Fischer came running over in the same outfits and they all had a champagne fight.....then, soaked in champagne, they congratulated Danica by kissing her.....for an hour....wait,…
Crossovers blow...plain and simple. I need my 4x4 SUV to go OFFROAD! I agree with Clarkson.....if your not going off road, buy an estate car...a WAGON!
I always preferred the Fiero over Mr. two. It will rattle, shake and most likely lose at least 3 body panels....but that car was the love of my youth! So I vote for the 2 seat Death-Poncho!
What? I'm all for Jenna Fischer portraying Tesla and Amy Admas portraying Fisker and they fight in a kiddie pool of baby oil..then kiss and make up...for about an hour or so.
I want mine in pussy magnet yellow!
Well, I won't be having the rare roast beef sammich for lunch.....*HURL*
Most of the team was saves cause they all had "Fem-Mullets"
"VAG's existing PQ34 platform" just sounds dirty to me