Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

So what, this basically means that all we need now is the Buick Colostomy and the Hummer H1/2 and then every division gets one???

I bet his Trunk Monkey was PISSED!

GAH! A PeugaminoT (Needs the silent T) I really want one of these! I can blast that song from Blazing Saddles as I drive it!

Can we get THIS Morgan in the Garage??

"Its like "how much blacker can they be" and the answer is none. none more blacker."

I am a Sucker for Grand Theft Auto all day long.

Whats with the nose off of a Saturn SC Coupe????

Thanks for causing a SIG alert Wes! Love ya, mean it!

I think it would be cooler with the plain jane moon wheelcovers

@Seth L: Its cause everything is bigger in Texas......Snakes, DoucheWings, ground effects, chances of contracting an STD....everything!

What was great about the Capri was as parts rusted off it would get lighter and your gas mileage improved! Those crafty Germans!

So they drove a comet to L.A. that isn't available in California...Thats BOOTLEGGIN buddy!

The original name was "Putz, Slutz, and cars with Truck Nutz" Stacy Marie Oberley, 28, shows off her new BMW, neck tattoo and crotch!

NickNick...I couldn't agree more

Since most of those Vettes eventually split in half anyway, the last owner saved you all the work! This was a tough choice but I went Vette...Yes, The Peugeot is french, but if you do finish it, you can drive it down the street and not look like a total dorkdouche! the Vette? Not so much!