Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

Motorcycles and Monster trucks combined??? If this is not Daytona Bike Week material in its purest form, I don't know what is!

I started early building Model cars from kits...then I started to customize them. Then I'd look for weird kits of odd cars. I found a kit from JoHan of a 67 Olds Toronado and did a total custom on it with a Vette motore from a then AMT Corvette ZR-1 kit and I redid the suspension, gave it wheels from some Tamiya

Spell Check, Reed Lallier........SPELL CHECK!

So its being named after a hawaiian plant they make snack chips outta??? I'll water for the Skoda Ruffles or the Seat Pringles to come out (And don't forget the Porsche Picante)

@spaceman7: Or KITTS Emergency Braking System that would take him outta Super-Pursuit Mode and slow him..........GOD! I'm a geek!

I bet POLAR took these photos and Mary-Louise was standing next to him twirling his hair.

@htrodblder: But Bobby! Who's gonna hold your hat????

Does it have all the requirements to be called HUMMER???? Dorky-YES

Ahhhh, Good to see Jalopnik is sticking to its standard of a ZR-1 article evry seven minutes. I guess the hood window negates the "Shark Fin" Side stop lights!

@dearthair: But living in L.A. means there are so many beautiful women reject me!

Ah, A Maser made before the unwashed semi rich were banned from buying them!

@dearthair: In my case, aftermarket electronics is just an invite for a brick through the window and a hole in the dash. I like my stock stereo cause theives don't (Lesson here kids, don't live in L.A. without secure parking!)

Normally, I'm against political discussion here on Jalopnik, but the last one ended with a bunch of half naked pics of Mary-Louise Parker....So I say go for it and bring on the pics!

My first car was a 77' Pontiac Ventura....The Thinking Man's Nova! Headliner fell down on it 3 times, Engine mounts cracked on it 4 times....FUN! I replaced it with a brand new 89' Chrysler LeBaron HardTop! All the dorkiness of a LeBaron without the chick getting option of a convertible!

Honda all day long! Ed 'Big Daddy" Roth would be proud!

@SLRSPEEDSHOP: Yes, I liked that car cept for the right hand drive. Hey, It got him some Annie Potts!

@punisherprime: Lets all pray that the "Water" part isn't being peed on by a robot!

Okay, How many weeks before someone stateside Prefontaines one of these bad boys?????

Wow! a 100k! All FORD could afford to offer its employees was 8 bucks, a Focus sedan in any color as long as its brown, and a $2 off coupon at Roscoe's chicken and waffles

Im in ur car strippin ur parts lulz!