Bentoboxx, My Tank is full of it

Having lived in Daytona for 15 years before moving out here, I have seen everything from School Buses to go carts painted with the black Goodwrench #3. I'm not a fan of Nascar and with sponsors dropping like Lohans pants from the series, The chances your driver will have the same colors for more than a month are

Honda Pilot, You look NOTHING like your MySpace Picture, either!

Kaiser all the way!

if they had a big pic of Frank with a Ciggy pointing and a word balloon of him saying "I got CHUNKS of cars like you in my stool!" Then that would totally RULE!

Great, Now my car will know what a sick pervert I am!

If any car breaks down more than a Ferrari, Its a Daewoo!

What puts the Pioneer over the top is the clothes! He has on the Izod and the Sunglasses with Croker Holder. She is in the Cyndi Lauper/Madonna outfit of the moment. I can't Believe we wore that stuff.

Evander: This is the Biggest Damn George Foreman grill I have ever seen!

I Love em on! Not that the GMC ain't supercool, but once restored whats it gonna become??? A Limo for weddings in Alabama???

Car of Tomorrow=Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What a great someone can break into a car just by tossing a brick into the roof!

57K and no hood Window???? MEH!

Again, their supposed new Dealership is now absent of signage. Looks like Fisker will have the LuxoGreen Market cornered!

@Bumblebee: Television Execs Would never use the word "Hoonage". To many of those difficult vowels to master

Haikus are easy

Why buy a Daihatsu Trevis when you can spend your money on these Crotch Kicking good Doritos!

Moonbuggy? I thought this was the new Hummer

I'll wait for the "Ugly Poop Brown ZR1 Club" Calendar myself