
Independence Day. Uptown Theater in Washington D.C. back when I was a kid. Still remember how amazing that movie is. The special effects, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith in his prime, The President's speech. Can't wait for the second one!

Ragnar is back! And he learned something in his journeys!!!! That time jump was just what this show needed.

Is this going to be pretty much the same as the original ghostbusters movie, just with an all female cast? Because that sounds like a pretty bad movie. And it's not the all female cast I have the problem with, it's that this will be about the same as the original. At the very least they could come up with a plot that

Maybe a shot for shot remake of Jaws, just cast all women?

It feels like Michael Pollan is blaming the people who are too busy working multiple jobs for choosing to spend the little money they have on convenience rather than taking the time to cook, even though the recipe he makes in that episode takes 3 hours. He constantly points out the problem of bad food and his solution

Or it could be a lion was terrorizing a small town and they couldn't kill it. So they hatched a plan to get the lion drunk and it worked. Then they killed the lion. Word of this spread far and wide.

One great myth is where Ra creates Sekhmet, a lion goddess, to destroy humanity because he thinks it is bad. Sekhmet does her job too gruesomely and Ra changes his mind and tells Sekhmet to stop, she refuses because she likes the taste of human blood too much. In order to stop her, Ra invents beer, dyes it red and