
Interesting. I definitely saw more Celica’s over here in So Cal than Lasers or Daytona’s. I actually owned 2 Celica’s and they were way above and beyond the single Laser I had in every conceivable area. Performance, amenities, value, cool factor, dependability(key factor for me actually) and so on.

Is this some sort of sex tape reference to dodge?

The Laser wasn’t universally hated because no one bought them. Well, except me(had a crappy used ‘85) and the producers of the 80's TV show Hunter.

Looks like a dental lab technicians car.



Bin-gho ho ho!

Who are they waving to?

This is a more valid reference than the Homer! Ok the Homer was spot on too but I can imagine Trump telling Cadillac, “I want real chandeliers not just headlights. Headlights aren’t classy enough.”

He was trying to make America great again by asking an American car company to build him a great American car made by great Americans.

That’s some serious shit.

I can’t believe Trump ever looked that young. I thought he perpetually always looked 56.

Yep, like using garage door openers as pagers to impress the ho’s and the homies.

They were tiny spoilers for tiny penises.

What does the spoiler do again, besides making the car look instantly dated? The photo of the rear makes the design seem like it’s trying too hard to be a sporty 90's rental car.

Both grills suck. What about actually applying some design aesthetic to a grill instead of settling with large black voids.

Wooo doggies! Looks like a proper Cajun Viking funeral right ther!

Santana High class of- oh nevermind..

Give the guy a break! It’s SAN DIEGO for fucks sake. It’s like 1930's L.A. down here. No traffic, wide open spaces and shit to do.

Nightmare material. Looks like an El Camino parasite took over the host body.