
While I’m open to it turns out Vin Diesel is a terrible boss and so on, it always stood out to me that when reports that he and Johnson weren’t getting along so much coverage was conformed to a kind of likability pecking order. The Rock was the fun muscle-bound celebrity and Diesel the cringy one, when now it sounds

Came here to say exactly this.

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

“ admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war”

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

If the big appeal of the White House Correspondents Dinner is in seeing a comedian actually speak a little truth to power...

I’m a huge fan of Odenkirk and everything he has done (and was a big fan of Mr. Show and the short-lived follow-up on Netflix so I enjoy his pairings with David Cross). But I don’t know that he’s a huge star. Better Call Saul never got a huge audience even though it was well-reviewed and liked for six seasons. Lucky

I think, unfortunately, that despite the amazing credits to his name, Bob remains largely overlooked in Hollywood. Not a guy whose name along brings eyeballs despite his talent.

I think Barrymore’s adorable but she doesn’t have the full-on sexpot gear that Graham does.  I’ve also never seen her act in that kind of role so it’s tough to envision if she could pull it off.

The Social Media Expanded Universe (TM)

Like most of these kinds of things, I think the right actors were placed in the right roles here. I can’t see Barrymore pulling off that limousine “porn shoot-gone-wrong” scene the way Graham was able to in Boogie Nights.

This is meant to be a comedy show? Was she performing at a therapist convention?

yeah, incredibly weird takeaway. ‘it’s not personal, it’s just about my personality and actions’

I tried getting into New Vegas, for the second time now, just the other day, and it just didn’t hold my attention. Played for an hour and quit. The graphics don’t hold up imo, and is it just me or is there no run button? I played FO3&4 for probably hundreds of hours between the two, plus the DLCs, and I kept hearing

“I couldn’t gain perspective. I couldn’t do anything to make myself understand that it wasn’t personal…”

I think the lead being 15 is the main cause.  He is moving into peak puberty age for boys which means that in a matter of days he could grow like an inch and his voice can change. His skin is probably a mess and he always smells.  It’s a huge pain for continuity and teenage boys often hit this awkward ugly years.  

I have no issue with this re: queerness. However, I’ve always seen the Doctor as aggressively non-sexual. There was definitely romance, but never sexuality, per se. Jack Harkness was the sexual one, but the Doctor always struck me as a romantic without any of the sexual overtones. Maybe that’s just me though.

Also prior to her weight loss, humiliation and cringe were pretty much her career.

To me that’s the bigger story here.

David Duchovny has a podcast?