Just to clarify, they used the word Negroid not the other N word, so it’s yet another rather disingenuous Root article.
Just to clarify, they used the word Negroid not the other N word, so it’s yet another rather disingenuous Root article.
But that’s not Tom’s real face, he’s been wearing a mask for the past twenty five years.
Is it possible that he’s being an asshole and at the same time wearing a dress that shows your ass isn’t very classy or sexy?
So you are either not classifying Asians as being POC or you are just ignoring how successful they usually are in the same underfunded schools.
“Personally, I feel as though it should be more on income than purely race,” says Kado, who is Black, “because I know people who are the same race as me who make a lot more money than I do, who would probably not need to be helped who as much as someone who doesn’t make as much.”
Damn I didn’t recognize him. Then again Reaper was almost 15 years ago.
I’m not sayin that being an abuser of women is unique to any race, I’m just wondering why people have turned a blind eye to the behaviour of a guy who was virtually unknown a few years ago? If he was at the Denzel or Will Smith i.e. A lister stage of his career I could understand why Hollywood might have ignored his…
For one I said Antifa type, secondly do you think that a political group has to have a membership system and a headquarters to be labelled as such? Are white supremacists all members of the official White Supremacists of America? And thirdly Aaron’s killer described himself as being anti-fascist.
It’s even weirder when black people become Muslims as they historically and currently treat black people even worse than Christians do.
These numerous allegations rather beg the question, who decided that this guy was going to be the new king of Hollywood? Were all of these red flags ignored by white guilt ridden liberals? This case has parallels with the UK actor/director Noel Clarke where BAFTA suddenly decided to give him an award for his Outstandin…
Errr, Trump fans are the ones who are being killed. Ever heard of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, killed by an ANTIFA type in Portland?
According to Deadline it actually cost £329 Million to make.
So you mean everything, everywhere all at once?
“As previously reported by The Root, the ruling is expected to curb admissions of students of color at top universities”
Well I suspect that it’s partly due to sensitivities about black men in liberal circles due to the BLM movement.
Manipulating entry standards for different races just so that you can match the demographics of the US is just good old fashioned racism, there’s no need to add “reverse” to the definition.
“Experts have warned that we could see a noticeable drop in the number of Black and Latino students admitted to highly selective schools”
You do know that this ruling means that there will be more Asian students or are they treated as not being POC when it comes to the issue of diversity?
As well as the constant cackling at the end of every utterance out of her mouth.
What you mean you don’t want to see him seducing women half his age? You prude!