
What good would Congresswoman Cori Bush have from sending fake white supremacist messages to herself? Why would a black student like Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins create fake hate crimes? It’s because there is so much power and wealth to be gained from being a victim of racism in the Western world.

So you can show us evidence of their membership cards for the National Socialist German Workers Party as they are “literally” Nazis then? 

I guess you can defund the Police when you are rich and can afford private security like Ms Bush can. And has she apologized for making those fake racist messages yet?

Shouldn’t she apologize for being in Norbit if she’s going to apologize for anything?

I’m wondering if the Jesse Plemons/Kirsten Dunst nominations are the first time that a couple have been Oscar nominated in the same year?

That’s Patriot Takes whose founding member Jordy is now being accused of using the N word in a text that he sent to his fiancee Lexi. People in glass houses...

Pro-diversity types also think that Black people have different brains as they often say that diversity is good because minorities can bring different ideas and thoughts to a company/organization, but it’s okay when they say it I guess?

No they’ve cast S/Her.

Is not patronising minorities a right wing talking point?

He said violent attacks, a hate crime can be anything from someone shouting “chink” etc. to violently assaulting someone. At least two Asians have died in recent months after being assaulted by African Americans. Do you know of any similar fatal incidents perpetrated by white people?

The funny thing is that generally rappers have these cool pseudonyms and then you find out that their real name is something boring like Carlton Smith, but with Cardi her real name is way cooler than her stage name.

Black Panther: Taking Forever.

Not being vaccinated is a bigger health threat to yourself than it is to anyone else. Those who are vaccinated can still pass on the virus as the Omicrom wave has shown.

Do you know how many unarmed black men the Police kill in the whole of the US in an average year? It’s nine. So why would you think that the LAPD are shooting unarmed PoC every single day?

Do you seriously expect the people who you label as colonizer to be your allies? Wow.

Is the truth so horrible to confront about these kind of shootings that you have to scapegoat the Police?

In other news, gun related homicides in Chicago have hit an all time high at 1002, but hey they’ve reduced the miniscule number (9 on average) of unarmed black men killed by the Police. I guess you have to celebrate your victories when you can...

In Florida they would probably fit the ramps the other way around so that drivers could try to jump over the train.

So an Estate Agent turns out to be a psychopath. What a surprise....

The NFL forgot about Dre’s assault conviction.