fheshun mawdell... knows Gianni Versace
Now playing

Amy Winehouse also wrote a fairly scathing song about her lay-about, rudderless brother. Must be something with female British singers. lol

Jason Momoa is brown Fabio.

~ Baby Thread! ~

🌿 Jim Spanfeller’s 🌿 months-long campaign of sabotage against the kinjaverse, his constant attempts to bully staff, his constant and concerted union-busting efforts, the murder of Splinter News (ahead of election) the woodchippering of Deadspin (on the eve of the World Series finale) - his henious actions have not…

Mystery Science Theater 3000! I especially love Eegah! for some reason.

I’m greyed, so it’s possible no one will see this and my post may not matter, but MyopicProphet is doing the hard work of trying to keep the kinja communities together. They (and maybe a few others?) created a discord channel:

Join everyone over at the Discord!

From myopicprophet:

They are shutting down posts and they are shutting down users who speak negatively of the coward that rhymes with spamteller.

They are shutting down posts and they are shutting down users who speak negatively of the coward that rhymes with spamteller.

I wonder how many people will be honest and say “wore blackface.”

And I brush my own teeth! I mean, only with sparkly pink toothpaste. But still.

I always thought it was hilariously meta on Buffy the Vampire Slayer that you had a vampire and the Slayer’s Mom bonding over watching “Passions”.

What am I looking at here?!

Normal for Kinja, sure.

Hi! Anyone want to give ole' Jim Spanfeller a call and let him know how shitty he is? If so, here's your chance: 917-881-5965

Hi Jay, and team Root