
It’s for the safety of the people. There were a lot of Mustangs at this meet, after all.

Like, it may just be something that was super easy to enable/do at the software level, so like, why not?


The fact they are doing something for such a fringe niche is what makes it so cool!

I like when my screen shifts up and down 10 times, personally

one less squid. cant complain

That’s not what they meant by SKYACTIV.

The Driver was distracted by Kinja’s Infinite Scroll and the 450 clicks it takes to read the comments

I think giving a potentially untrained person a free GT2RS is considered manslaughter in most states.

FordTempoFanatic would disagree with you if he was still around.

Ya, safe, reliable, practical just nice enough to like the look of but not so nice that it’s flashy and soulless, can’t forget soulless. Drivers don’t drive cars like that, commuters use vehicles like that as transportation appliances. Just like a washing machines wash clothes this travelling machine travels. Needless

Here’s a current view of the Viper factory:

The Corvette is mid-engined. Front mid-engined.


Normally at track days with vipers of any kind, you get to see both ends and even the sides as they spin off.

Hopefully they’re not whispering “nandrolone”

Beautiful - thanks for sharing!

Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.