ben loves his new "real" SUV

Is it just me or does this resemble a Mazda with a nose job?

If you want one, go buy one...

I mean if it were lower and called you know a hatchback it would be even better.

That barchetta has already sailed

Those are her tonales.

See, that one looks like a toenail.

I was hoping for a new Matta

They’re wrapping mediocre cars that a few people like in an attractive body that a few more people like for a lot of money.

Are all those gentlemen standing by the car picking straws for who has to push it off the stage when it doesnt start?

No one puts a gun to these idiots’ skulls to prove how utterly Trump-stupid they are.

Driving around with the top down is about the single most annoying amazing motor experience imaginable.

Frankly, who gives a shit about these people? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This is just chlorine for the gene pool.

Like everything except the fixed wing.

Passing, you need to move 10-20 over the car you’re passing to do it safely. 

Rich people, who before bought Benzes and Bimmers, bought Model Ses to ‘one-up’ the neighbors.  As soon as MB and BMW start selling luxury/performance electric cars they will return to the fold.

I say that we should let Darwin continue in his good work. If the amateur speed bump does any damage to a car, his estate should be liable for the repair expense.

“I almost died...... neato, better take a picture”


Fuck that, whip them or something similarly painful. Being stupid SHOULD hurt.

Never underestimate the power of stupidity.

Just based on the “never messed with” and engine swap, bov, straight pipe etc combined with the “10” interior with seats taped together and pillar gauges, CP. This thing has so many surprises that are disclosed, certain doom awaits the owner with undisclosed BS.