ben loves his new "real" SUV

Did you through in Fartbury to mess with us?

same reason we still allow smoking and drinking... too many people are living too long... its getting hard to pay for all the olds :p

Wait, so buying an unreliable German car is bad?

Ever been through rural South Carolina?

I’m a 60 year old man who lives in his mom’s basement. You show some respect sonny!

“I have money to spend, and Jalopnik needs visitors like me to spend the money I have”

Take your money, your hypocritical “holier than thou” attitude, and your threat to leave, and just LEAVE.

Who are you, Ned Flanders?!

I think I speak on behalf of the community when I say: Go Away. Please.

I agree with Mr. Torchinsky and TooManyCars. Using it needlessly is a definite problem. But in this case, I mean, I am speechless right now at the keyboard. A big wheel, on an interstate? I really don’t know where to begin. I probably would have used the exact same phrase if I had come across that on LBJ in Dallas.

Fuckin’ bye!

Whew, I’m so glad they found it. I always misplace my Aventador in the weirdest places. I should probably smoke less weed.

The AC has quit, you must CP it

I’ve driven A ‘78 big block Ford in summer heat and never will again. I’d go NP if this thing needed a tranny before dealing with disconnected a/c. Guaranteed there is no part of the system still serviceable, I can estimate a grand in parts alone.

We’re still enjoying summer here in Houston. There’s no way this guy has been daily driving this thing without A/C. If it was an easy fix like the ad states he would have fixed it already. CP because of that, otherwise NP.

It’s the Bronco from an alternate timeline OJ, where he was cast as the Terminator as originally planned. He eventually came to this timeline, but the verdict is out if he’s the bad OJ or the formerly bad OJ who is now good and is trying to stop the new bad OJ

Absolutely love this, but for nearly ten grand the a/c better goddamn work.

Isn’t the OJ truck from the 90's?