ben loves his new "real" SUV

Or have no clue at all. An acquaintance of mine refused to believe it until I made him Google it. Then he got all big headed because he bought a BMW.

This happened to Jalopnik photog Kurt Bradley (is he still around?) a few years ago when he tried to drive a friend’s 911 from Austin to LA.

We must be related.

Are painted headlight bezels a sign of a higher model trim and are therefore decadent? 

I wonder how many died from “Trabby Lung” since next to no one was wearing masks!

First you start as a chicken sexer (real job-google it, and no, you won’t have to delete your browser history), then move to cat milker, then otter jerk.

I didn’t run out of gas, but in the early ‘90s I was in a huge U-Haul truck (the smallest they would rent me in order to tow my Town Car cross-country) when I stopped at the turn out (I think) to hop out and take some pictures.

Enter Chrysler Pacifica Plug In stage left, problem solved. After all, a great many funeral homes use Dodge Caravans to get the bodies from the morgue to the funeral home anyway. Perhaps they can get fleet pricing. 

Being related to a member of Fleetwood Mac, LSD, firearms and a hatred for one another is not a good thing. Although with as chemically fucked up as they were, they probably couldn’t hit the side of a barn.

That’s what you get for not buying bespoke. Then you’d have cause to complain.

You make this sound like a good thing. 

Kristen, Mi Amore, I thought you had umm... how to put this delicately... more refined taste than this. This monstrosity is a shrine to new money gauche design and will lower the opinion of you in the minds lucky enough to enjoy your company.

Exactly! I have multifocal peripheral neuropathy among some other issues, and after 2 back to back heart attacks last summer resulting in an airlift and surgery (18 hrs apart due to a misdiagnosis by the 1st hospital), there are still some things I simply cannot lift and carry.

I’m a Gen X and won’t buy one because the price of diamonds are artificially controlled by De Beers and have been mined and stored in such quantities that make them close to worthless. I’d much prefer to purchase a nice sapphire, emerald, or ruby if I was forced to buy a stone, but would really rather keep the money

 My ‘97 Lexus LX450 with 250k on it finally tipped the repair/replace scale fully into the replace category. I loved that truck. I really thought it was my “forever, never let go of car”, but it was not meant to be. Funny how no one will finance a rebuilt $5,000 transmission but will happily loan me the money for a

Aren’t all guys “up” when “coming”?

Haven’t all of us wanted an extra quarter inch?

Someone needs to call CPS on those damn McAllister parents! Who forgets their kid 5 times?

Especially now that most still on the road have a blown air suspension and they have an even droopier ass.