Exactly! If spending money on a car that you can afford-no matter what category it might fall into makes you happy, go for it. After all, you can’t take it with you.
Exactly! If spending money on a car that you can afford-no matter what category it might fall into makes you happy, go for it. After all, you can’t take it with you.
I have a small CUV (or as I like to call it, a Micro Utility Vehicle). It is 3x more efficient than the vehicle I replaced, is easier to park, to see out of, is safer not only the occupants of my car, but others as well.
If our latest succession of ever-so-smart Governors had not ruined the economy, we could. as a matter of fact, for quite some time we could boast that.
Me thinks that if you had pointed out the Canadian-ness of his bitchin’ ride, you may have missed the event. My experience is that Bubbas don’t like to be proven wrong.
I had a similar experience today. Had to put the EcoSport in the body shop (my fault) and the rental place staged a 2019 Ram Classic double bed 4x4 long bed and an Infiniti Qx80 or whatever that Tahoe size SUV is called. I asked if he could take me back to the office for a smaller car, and he refused, telling the the…
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
Yeah, the interior is rough. Yeah the engine is not the best.
4th gear:
Maybe not. Neither of us know for sure, but he’s making enough to afford all that camera and production gear, plus his food, clothing, sporting equipment, and still able to pay for insurance, gas, maintenance on the van.
Why is it that people in this country expect to get something more than what they paid for? It’s mind boggling.
I miss the all smothering silence a good snow brings. It just makes me feel safe, like a warm hug.
Have you seen what some Youtubers make in a year? Not just #vanlifers, but a fucking 12 year old doing makeup tutorials made like $3 million! An infant just infanting made a couple of mil too! Those are the extremes, sure, but $50-80k seeing the country doing what you love? Hell yes.
I would LOVE to have a ‘67 Beetle like the one that I had in high school back in ‘89. It had a 2.0 liter Porsche racing engine, gearbox, and transmission, front disc brake conversion, racing suspension, roll bar, and quad Monza exhaust. The rest of it was delightfully stock-Java green paint, the chrome bumpers with…
Have you guys never seen “Stripes”? You know, the movie from the ‘80s.
As a proud 2019 EcoSport owner, although not terribly surprised, I hate to see my car on this list.
The first thing I did after buying my 216k LX450 was stop and buy shackles, a snatch strap and a recovery strap.
How often do you reconsider the decision to throw it in park instead of bailing out and let it go over the cliff?
Radwood Texas in Austin. Had to let go of the old girl this summer, but never fear, I have a friend that is kind enough to share both of his rad rides this year!