@masona: The large bit is (From what I've read) a battery pack with C or D size batteries. That would keep it going for ages.
@masona: The large bit is (From what I've read) a battery pack with C or D size batteries. That would keep it going for ages.
@Emonstar: Holding it wrong!
@izikavazo: I blame Newfoundland
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Our store bread has them too. Additionally, we use zip-lock bags for the breadmaker's bread.
I really enjoy my Sennheiser PX100s, which can be found for $35-50 on ebay and other online stores.
@jcnaquin: All the bread that I come across came with one of these.
I did something like this a few weeks ago. I just hotglued the stick inside the mouse with a USB extension cable attached. The LED on the drive facing down to where the LED in the mouse faced.
@mrhughjaas1: Additionally, how many planes have made an emergency water landing in the water and haven't been torn to shreds / passengers survive?
@MrGutts: Heh, I'm also wondering if it's a US thing, since I'm in Canada the regulations might be different.
@MBGooner: Did you try rubbing alcohol? Usually that can displace some of the mess and evaporate.
@Sun Kim: I don't think I needed a screwdriver to remove my old netbook keyboard, just pop a few tabs and undo the latch holding the cable in place.
I was thinking of building a one way device like this out of my Arduino, some motors and my old netbook...
I see people complain online about this, though there isn't anything wrong with ads being loud on my TV. Is this an HDTV thing? I'm still rocking SD.
@Truefire: Would a few small magnets do that? Probably not.
@sassafras_: Sure it's dangerous. Though I've never used an anti-static band on any of the many computers I've built. Absolutely no problems with any of them. Components aren't that fragile.
@Pooter: I've slapped a few components together (1.6 GHz AMD CPU, 512 MB DDR 400 RAM, AGP Geforce 5200) to play Assault Cube on my TV once. I did it with socks, a sweater and on carpet. No problems at all. Never had a problem with ESD.
Rubbing alcohol is a great thing to have around when you spill something into a computer.
@blissend: Hard drives aren't effected by magnets. In fact, if you take one apart you'll find an incredibly strong magnet near the read/write head. I would think that magnets near the casing of a drive wouldn't do anything to it.
Wow, Android RAM management is so much better than BackBerry. On BB, your application space is the memory left over from running applications and the OS. My Bold only has 128 MB, so I tend to have 30 MB at the most on a fresh install with the latest OS.