
@MacAttack: What phone were you using before? My BlackBerry Bold 9000's keyboard is great and I can easily type for moderately-extended lengths of time. Can't say the same for my iPod Touch, though it's fairly good for a virtual keyboard... Just not a complete replacement for a physical keyboard.

@Bluesroo: You are correct good sir!

@♥♦ Goopplesoft ♣♠: Heh, I've been waiting for a while. I've gotten probably 3 emails from them talking about mobile clients, then I got again to their website and see that BlackBerry is "Coming soon". Works OK on my Bold 9000, a little slow and it doesn't open Word and Powerpoint files that I can open from the web

Perfect timing, my brother has started hockey and the designated storage area for his equipment happens to be a bathroom I use frequently...

@Walking Eye!: I think it had to do with the whistle you would get in cereal boxes ages ago. The whistles would make the same tone as something used at the phone company.

I dug up 57 blocks of iron ore today... In Minecraft.

@nala1908: I could go nuts and tether with my iPod Touch or subnotebook... Though keep in mind this is a BlackBerry. The browser is sluggish which deters me from using it a lot...

Didn't the older peek have this $200 bundle which had "Lifetime" service?

@BeefSupreme: I could sort of see a use for this... I tend to leave my space heater on in my room, which usually takes a while to warm things up, though sometimes I forget to turn it off and I come back to an oven.

@belgarion013: I'd love a camp fire block, logs + flint and iron would have to do for now.

@FriarNurgle: I need one of those, I bought 1000 resistors for $14 off ebay a while ago (I LOVE YOU SUREELECTRONICS!). No way to organize them outside of the baggies.

@zelfmoordkonijn: How is it not meant for online play? The only difference between the arcade and the regular Xbox is the hard drive. They're not slower or have decreased network performance.

@MagicTrackpad: That silly feature of their website has confused the hell out of me when I leave Futureshop open in another tab or when playing a game... Just randomly hearing some guy talking about electronics while playing Team Fortress 2 caused a bit of confusion when I saw that nobody was using voice chat.

@ascoteton77: That's your own opinion, though with college/university you can usually get discounts on software. Check that out first before pirating or using Ubuntu.

Weird place to plug Minecraft, I'd put it in it's own post :D

@madara: More like thermite.

@enoch861: I actually own a 30 GB Zune and adore the software!

@TheFuzz53: My Bold 9000 didn't come with one :(