@sirmeili: It should allow them to access shares if you connect the guest router to the house router's WAN/Internet port.
@sirmeili: It should allow them to access shares if you connect the guest router to the house router's WAN/Internet port.
@Toribor: You mean personality cores?
That looks really nice... I may need to do something like this. I actually have a 2 desks right next to each other, which is very difficult to work on.
@sirmeili: You could get a cheap switch and put it in between the modem and the two routers. If you're going to have a less secure router, you can always turn down the transmit power a bit (Do some experimenting to see if it will reach the main parts of the house without slowdowns).
@tinkertank: Hurrrrr
24 hours is a bit long, I'd limit it to 2-6 hours. If you play hard enough you can beat a game or get really far into it in 24 hours, thus losing a sale.
@Hello Mister Walrus: You've got it sir.
@Beall49: Competition.
@ohnoesaz: Asus is pretty nice, I bought 2 laptops and used one of their motherboards for years, still works after being swapped around numerous times.
@parabellum2000: Agreed!
@forallintentsandpurposes004: Agreed. I am dead center in the middle. Next to my gaming PC with dual monitors is a 24" white iMac, I have been known to carry a Zune, BlackBerry and an iPod Touch at the same time as well...
I'll be excited when I see that these guys ship to Canada... Without costing me more than the part is worth.
@LightPress: *Makes a note not to go to subway*
@alienshards: Their phones have an excellent feel to them, though I hate the OS. If they can get Android secure enough, I bet they can stay around the consumer space for a while now.
@Unspellable: Want to know my secret for dealing with my Bold? Buy PdaNet and tether to an iPod Touch with iBluever. I can still use applications and the decent web browser on the Touch, though if I want to tap out a text message or an email I do have to remove the phone from my other pocket.
@szrimaging: It is, when I actually used iTunes, it just grabbed the playlist and library stuff in another application.
So... Any plans to release the Webkit browser on older devices? I almost try not using the browser on my Bold 9000, it's a pain.
@MartinLeGood: I'm a BB user and I don't like the trackball on my Bold 9000. I hate phones that have moving/rolling parts.
My mother would keep getting these calls from this stupid lady, Rogers wanted her to pay $15 a month for this stupid "Call Manager" service (Which they don't even offer on Pay-as-you-go). Completely stupid, when even answering the call and then hanging up would be cheaper, even at $0.40 for the first minute.
@GhostLyrics: Driver support in Linux? haha, that's funny.