
Wouldn’t the world be more interesting if engine power were measured in felines? I mean any, not one in particular.

Everything has gone down a size or two for me after lockdown and WFH. My loose fit jeans are now Garth Brooks level, my mid-sized car feels like a Smart Car that’s been on a diet, my office chair has gotten narrower.

Author is unaware of the difference between a passenger ship vs. a recreational vessel, presumably on purpose because it would negate her theory that these 1%rs they are purposefully turning them off to avoid detection.

thank you Kathleen Madigan.

The dealer has nothing to do with setting terms of a lease, other than any contribution they make to a capital cost reduction out of their own margin.

It depends. Some states have tax incentives for trade ins, where the sales tax is only paid on the delta between the new car value and the trade in value. In those cases, you can get “extra value” for the trade from the reduced tax burden, often enough to offset any delta between dealer trade and private party value

The Yukon/Tahoe would work fine. They’re pretty easy and inexpensive to fix when they break and there are a lot of them running around up here. Fuel economy isn’t the greatest, though, and if they’re living in the valley and commuting to Anchorage every day along with 60,000 other residents that cost is going to add

I found two 9-7x Aeros on Houston craigslist. This is the better one.

“GMs will run badly longer than most cars run at all.”  

4th: If a publicly traded company did/does not take every possible tax savings, its investors will be very upset. Although Musk disagrees with the tax breaks, the company is painted into a corner by shareholders on this. Even if they wanted to pay the extra taxes, it wouldn’t really amount to any goodwill from

I worked for a huge German company for a couple years. It was very different. The big thing was that they had a “central board” which was sort of like the board of directors in a US company. What was different was that the board was made up of equal parts of finance guys, management and labor. The advantage was that

“...some super obvious fucked up capitalist scheme...”

It’s because those “woowoo” health people are”woowoo”. Just cause they accidentally got one right, doesn’t make them smart. If my toddler says “Tonight’s winning lotto numbers are: 1-2-3-4-5-6" doesn’t mean he’s a genius if those lotto numbers actually hit. They didn’t go through the rigorous methods and testing to

Yes, I’ve driven a 2006 GP (only once), and the supercharger and manual are good. My point is just that the statement, “In 2006, Mini decided to supercharge its reborn hatchback and connect it to a manual transmission” is confusing. Because they did that in 2001 and then in every subsequent year until 2007. The GP

I swear I’m only being pedantic because it’s the first sentence in the article:

your anger is palpable and I am thriving on it this morning

Ah, you said “Fox News”. Excellent retort. I am vanquished.

Trump’s only deregulation was to directly favor banks and large corporations. It has nothing to do with personal liberties or freedom or anything even remotely libertarian. It is a corporate oligarchy only getting rid of regulations that are intended to help citizens.

Libertarians are a part of the GOP, the same as the Green Party are a part of the Democratic Party; with a de facto two party system, all other parties fall in the camp of the one they *most* align with.

With recent GOP heavy handedness in government over reach it’s been noticeable the lack of pointed response from